Author's Note

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Hello everyone. How are you?

Okay, I have a few things to announce.

1. I am done Dwindle. There is no epilogue or sequel.  Thank you all so much for reading Dwindle. Writing Dwindle was so much fun and knowing that you read it and loved the story as much as I did filled me with pride. I don't think I can say thank you enough because you have changed my life. I never imagined myself writing and having people read my stories, but that's what has happened now and I am so so grateful...

2. ....but I will not be writing anymore Motough fan fictions. About half a year ago, when I had started writing these two stories, there was a spark, a passion, that I had, but as time went on, that spark dimmed until it burned out and I don't feel that passion and that love of their love anymore. I will not be deleting these stories for the time-being. I am very sorry to you all who would have liked for me to write another Motough story but I won't be. But that doesn't mean I will completely stop writing...

3. ...because I will be writing original fiction. I have so many great ideas that I am very excited in writing. So, look out for that if you are interested...and if you're not and you hate me for no longer writing Motough stories, I understand.

So, those are my announcements. Thank you so much again for all the support and love you have provided me during this (approximately) half-year. Goodbye. Thank you all.


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