{Chapter 12}

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Beth's POV

I sat on the couch, munching on Honey Nut Cheerios and watching GMA (Good Morning America). At the moment, Robin was interviewing Jen and Derek.

"So Derek, how does it feel to win your seventh mirror ball?", she asked. Then, she pointed the microphone to Derek.

"It feels so great. I'm just really proud of Jennifer because I couldn't have won it without her". There was a small "aww" through the audience and then, a shot of Jen smiling was shown. Then, the camera turned back to Robin.

"We will be right back with more questions, dancing and fun at the GMA Dancing with the Stars After-Party".

The camera panned around the studio showing the hosts of GMA as well as some of the finalists of Dancing with the Stars.

Then, one of McDonald's newest ad campaigns came on. This time, the campaign was McDonald's largest menu of healthy choices ever.

I rolled my eyes. I'm surprised the company hasn't closed by now because absolutely no one goes to McDonald's anymore. It'll be any second now that the franchise dies a bankrupt death.

I toke another bite of my cereal. Then, I begin to feel queasy. I fleeted towards the bathroom and puked.

I stood up and grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste.
I was still able to taste the dingy, vile taste of the vomit on my tongue.

I held out my toothbrush and squeezed the tube. No toothpaste came out. I groaned and threw the empty toothpaste container into the garbage.

I slid open one of the cupboards that I can usually find toothpaste in and checked; there wasn't any.

I knelled down and opened the large cupboard under the sink and checked in there.

I dug through the pile of utilities and eventually I became so desperate that I practically sticked my head in there.

Finally, I found a new box of toothpaste at the back bottom of the cupboard.

Leave it to Derek to place the toothpaste somewhere that not even a SWAT agent could find it.

I was about to close the cupboard when something caught my eye; A box of Tampons.

When was my last period?

I quickly brushed my teeth and scurried downstairs. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it.

Oh shit, my period is three weeks late.

I slipped on my sweater and placed my phone inside the right pocket. Then, I put on a pair of flats and ran out of the house and to the nearest drug store.

I'm probably not pregnant. I'm sure it's just another side effect of chemo...

Oh my god, can you get pregnant while having cancer. Is that even possible?

I bought the box of pregnancy tests and ran back to my house.

I threw my shoes and sweater off of me, ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. I threw the box on the counter and fell back into the wall.

I don't feel pregnant. How does it feel? I walked and held my face so close to the mirror.

My eyes? Same.

My mouth? Same.

My nose? Same.

My hair? Same.

I backed away and let out a faint laugh.

I'm probably not even pregnant...

But just to make sure...

I grab the box out of the plastic bag and pull out a test.

Now, how do you do this?

I eventually figure out how and then take the test. Once the results has appeared, I grab the test and shut my eyes.

I'm probably not even pregnant,

I'm probably not even pregnant,

I open my eyes

I'm probably not even...HOLY SHIT, I'M PREGNANT!

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