{Chapter 11}

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Beth's POV

I stared out into the dance floor. I saw myself dancing in the small two wall room at the beginning of our dance to shake it off. Then, I saw a memory of me standing atop of a large bass, every moment I was not standing on the sweet, sweet ground, I was internally panicking. Then, I saw myself dancing with Derek to the Viennese Waltz.

Then, I thought of Jeremy, Jeremy Reynolds. I thought of him the first time Derek and I had preformed the Viennese Waltz. Back in high school, I fell hard in love him. But I didn't believe he could love me back. I chose to believe that he would hate me just like everyone else in my world at that time had.

I thought about his sexy, shaggy hair. He was also the man that I had sex with a few days ago. I couldn't help but feel terrible for having sex with him the day before I got engaged to Derek.

I fiddled with the engagement ring on my left ring finger. The ring fit perfectly and the blue did perfect me.

There was a commercial break right now. I could see Derek was on the stage with Jen, going over some finishing touches on their dance.

The commercial break had ended and Derek and Jen got into position for their dance.

Tom Bergeron stood speaking to the camera, introducing Derek and Jen's dance. Derek stood near Jen, he whispered a few words into her ear and she nodded her head.

Then, the voice of the announcer echoed throughout the room. "Dancing a freestyle, Jennifer Lawrence and Derek Hough". there was a small audience cheer and then the room went completely silent. The song started. It was one of my favourite songs at the moment. The song is called Need You Right Now by Skrillex featuring Justin Bieber.

They started with a slow contemperary vibe. Then as the beat drop, it went into a hip hop jazz routine. There were lights going off here and there. It made me reminisce of our freestyle, although I think we can all agree that this one was better. Then the two fell into their final pose and the music came into a halt. The entire crowd erupted into an applause and they gave the two a standing ovation.

I got up out of my chair and stood up. I was in the front row.

Derek connected eye contact with me. I pulled out a double thumbs up to let him know that he did phenomenal.

The judges praised Jen and Derek saying that Derek had truly outdone himself this time and that Jen has had an amazing two months, everyday improving and becoming better.

They walked up the stairs and into the skybox. The judges gave them all tens. Although I'm not surprised. This wasn't their first time getting all tens and as I said before, their dance was truly magnificent.

Soon after many performances including Taylor Swift, Katy Perry and Zayn Malik (but seriously after he left one direction, Zayn went into a solo career and is reigning all the charts), it was time to announce the winner of dancing with the stars, season 26.

The entire room went out into an audible silence. A spotlight shown down on the two finalists, one on Harry Styles and Whitney Carson and the other on Jennifer Lawrence and Derek Hough.

Erin Andrews and Tom Bergeron talked about the two couples, highlighting their best and worst times in the season. "And, the winner of Dancing with the Stars, season 26 is..." Tom Bergeron said. He kept silent for a minute or so to raise the suspense.

Then, Tom Bergeron and Erin Andrews said at the same time,"JENNIFER LAWRENCE AND DEREK HOUGH".

The crowd erupted into cheers. Derek hugged Jen, picking her up and spinning her around. Erin handed the Mirrorball Trophy to Jen.

The rest of the couples ran out onto the floor. Mark picked up Jen and carried her on his shoulders and Derek got picked up by Val and Artem.

And me? Let's just say, there was no one screaming louder than I was.


It was a few hours after the show and I sat in my house alone. Derek and Jen had gotten on a plane to New York because they were scheduled to be on Good Morning America tomorrow morning.

I made some chicken for myself. I sat on the couch and watched the Dancing with the Stars season finale again.

Then, there was a knock on the door. I stood up and crept to the door.

Derek? No, he's in New York.

Mom? Dad? No, they usually don't come this late.

Brittany? Yes, definitely her, it had to be.

I open the door. There stood Jeremy. He was wearing a jade green button up and a pair of navy blue skinny jeans. His shaggy brown hair and blue eyes shimmered in the moonlight. His face lit up when he saw me.

"Hey, Bethany"

"Hello, Jeremy"

"How are you?"

"I'm good, how about you?"

"I'm amazing...would you like to come in?" I asked and gestured toward the inside of my house.

"Is it okay with Derek?" He asked.

"Derek isn't here right now, he's in New York"

"Oh okay" he said. He walked inside the house. I locked the front door and resumed the finale.

He walked around the house and poked around at some things. Then, he walked over and sat down beside me.

I continued looking at the screen, Harry swept Witney across the floor in their powerful tango. Harry wore a a black tuxedo with a red tie that matched with the red knee length dress that Witney wore.

Jeremy placed his hand on my chin and turned my head to face him. He stared into my eyes as I stared into his. His skin was a pale golden colour. He scooted closer to me and brought his lips to mine.


I pulled back. I had to control myself. "whoa, slow down there tiger" I joked. He let out a laugh and fell back into the chair.

"Why?" was all he could whisper.

I bit my lip and glanced down at the ring. He didn't know yet.

"I'm engaged" I said and showed him the ring.

His eyes widened and he stood up. "whoa, whoa, whoa. When did this happen".

"The afternoon of the first day with Derek after he had brought me home from your house" I replied.

"But...I thought we had something. An us"

"I don't know, Jeremy"

"What about that spark that we had. I felt it when we kissed and I know you did, too" he questioned.

I stood up. "JEREMY, I SAID I DON'T KNOW!" I yelled.

He took a step back and sighed. "I'm sorry" he merely whispered and he turned around and walked towards the door.

Then, he turned around and walked towards me. He stood seconds away from me and without hesitation, he kissed me.

His lips were warm and soft, just like before. He kissed me intently. And crazily enough, even thought every ounce of me told me not to, I kissed him back.

Then, he pulled away but yet, he still stood so close that I could feel he breath tickle my skin. "Please tell me that you feel that spark and that it's not just me" he pleaded, merely whispering the words.

"It's not just you" I said.

He didn't say anything. He stared into my eyes for a moment. "Okay. Goodbye, Bethany" He said. Then, he turned on his heel and left the house, leaving me, once again, alone.

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