{Chapter 17}

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"So, how'd it go with your mom?" Jeremy asked.

He was driving us back to his house.

"It went well...and I decided that I'm going to keep the baby."

"Are you sure about that?"

"I-I guess so. Why?"

"It's just..." He sighs. "A baby is a lot of responsibility and I'm sorry for getting you pregnant, I should've used protection or something...and I don't want you to suffer from a mistake."

"Yes, well, I should suffer the consequences. I knew what I was getting myself into."

"Well..." He began.

I looked at him, giving him a questioning look. "Jeremy, is there something I'm missing?"

"Okay, well, you know that hot chocolate I gave you the night before we had sex?"


He ran his hand through his hair. "Well...I spiked it." he spilled out.

"YOU WHAT?!?!?" I snapped.

"It had a delayed reaction that I assume had it affects on you during the night and made your thinking abilities dull in the morning." He explained.

"Why? Why would you drug me, Jeremy?"

He cringed at the word drug. "I didn't mean to have sex with you. I did it so that you would choose me instead of taking him back. I didn't mean any harm, I swear. That's why, I guess, I brought you back to him. I mean, look at me. Why you would ever chose me, the naive, young adult student that drugs people to get them to like him, instead of the hot, hunky, rich, wise, caring, perfect, well-rounded adult? And so, I brought you back and we both know what happened after that." he gestured down to my stomach with his eyes. "I'm so sorry, Bethany, I just...I missed you and I thought I lost you and after you got diagnosed with cancer, I realized that I didn't want you to die without knowing my true feelings for you. Will you forgive me?"

I looked out the window and pondered over it for a moment.

"No." I answered.


"No" I repeated. "No, you took advantage of me and now-" I pointed to my stomach. "I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant, Jeremy. A baby is materializing in my stomach and I'm assuming that you're not going to help me take care of it because why would you? Obviously, you're going to go back to London and resume your studies as if you're not a father and as if you don't have a baby son or daughter looking around wondering where their father is. Right, Jeremy?"

He didn't say anything.

"That's what I thought." I muttered.

"Bethany, I-"

"Save it, you jerk."

An idea popped in my head.

"Take me back to my mom's house." I commanded.


"You heard me."

"Bethany, if you just-"

"Save it, Jeremy. Just save it, because I'll never forget what you did, and I'll never forgive you. So, do me one last favour and take me home."

He did a u-turn and began driving in the other direction. I would stay with my mom for the time being. I stared out the window. Not a word was spoken for the rest of the car ride.

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