{Chapter 2}

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Hey everyone! Thank you so so much for all your support. Goodbye, Bethany has gotten past 4k, like what? 🎉. When I went on Wattpad and saw that it got past 4k, I was-no joke-doing a celebratory dance on top of my bed! It makes me so happy to know that you appreciate that story. Seriously, I can't even say thank you enough!


Beth's POV

We went to the hospital the next day. They did more blood test. They recorded everything about me (weight, height, BMI). They led me through the many treatments that I could do. In the end, Derek and I decided on chemotherapy.

Derek drove us home. We arrived at our house. I opened the door for the passenger seat. I stepped out and began to walk to the entrance. I was moderately shaky. My body just didn't have the energy to do anything, much less walking. Derek noticed me and walked over. "Derek, I'm fine", I assured. "uh huh", he replied and picked me up. "Derek, put me down, I'm fine to walk", I insisted. "Too bad", he replied back. He carried me into the house, bridal style and placed me down onto the couch.

Then, he went the closet to put his jacket away. "I need to call my mom and tell her", I realized. I can't believe I have put off telling her for so long. "How about we invite your parents to dinner tonight and tell them then",he suggested. I contemplated about it for a moment. "That sounds like a great idea", I replied.


Derek's POV

"Mom, dad, I have an announcement", Beth says. "You're not pregnant, are you?", Mr.Mota asks worriedly. "No, I'm not pregnant",she replies, before quickly adding,"I have lung cancer".

I hear a clatter as Mrs.Mota had lost grip of the fork that she was holding. She looked absolutely horrified at the news. "What", was all she could muster. "When did you learn this", Mr.Mota asked. "Last night, yesterday", she answered. Her parents looked at each other. Mrs.Mota looked like she was going to burst into tears. "Excuse me", Mrs.Mota said and scurried away. "Who else knows about this", Mr.Mota asks. "Well, no one except Derek", Beth replied.

Mr.Mota starred down at his plate, eating the rest of the food, not saying a word. In the distance, I heard splashing water. Mrs.Mota came back, sat down at her seat and took a bite of her roast beef before saying,"are there any treatments". Bethany looked at me before replying,"There are, but I'll be doing chemotherapy". I took a sip of water. "Perhaps you would like to come back home and live with us", she said. I quickly swallowed the water and said,"that won't be necessary, Mrs.Mota". "Yeah, I'll be fine mom", Beth added. Mr. and Mrs.Mota glanced at each other. Mr.Mota sighed,"Bethany, please just consider it". "Okay", she said.

The rest of the night was enveloped in silence. They said their goodbyes and Bethany went to bed. I decided it would be a good time to call and tell my family.


Beth's POV

I heard Derek speaking to someone on the phone...


"She was diagnosed last night"

"She'll be doing chemo"

"Yeah, so far she's taking it well"

"I don't know;I...I just can't even imagine life without her"

"Yeah, she could live, or she could possibly die..."

I took a deep breath as I heard those words. It hadn't really sunk in that I might not live until now. What did I need to do before I die? I needed to be on a game show, but which one???

I know it's a bit dark to look at my cancer and think that I won't survive, but I'm not a "fighter". People have said that to me but it's said to every person on the planet, and it's not like a person can will their body to get its' shit together. I just don't know what to believe anymore and Derek is right, I might live or I might die...

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