{Chapter 10}

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Derek's POV

I laid awake on my bed. Bethany laid beside me. I couldn't help but remember why Bethany broke up with me. She didn't want to hurt me, so had I betrayed her by bringing her back? How would she react when she woke up beside the person she tried so hard to stay away from?

I stared at her beautiful complexion. I am so lucky to have her back in my arms. I leaned towards her and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. Then, she slowly bursted into consciousness.

"Jeremy?...Is that you?", she groggily whispered.

"No, babe. It's Derek," I replied.

Her eyes fluttered open. Shock and confusion was etched across her face.

"Wha...but I thought I was with Jeremy" she said.

"Well, last night I went to his house and brought you home" I explained.

"And you didn't even bother to ask me before you swooped me up and dropped me here?" she snapped.

"I'm sorry I was just trying to protect you. I don't know Jeremy like you do and I don't trust him either. You know, last night when I went to his house, he was only wearing his boxers and t-shirt? Who knows what he would've done if I hadn't arrived when I did!" I exclaimed.

She bit her lip and her expression changed in a way I can't put my finger on.

"I'm sorry. I guess...I didn't think about how the break up would make you feel. I didn't mean to worry you" she apologized.

"Well, you're right as well. I should've asked for your permission." I said.

Her face brightened up. "I know a way I can make it up to you" she said.

She leaned into me and pressed her lips to mine. Her lips felt so fresh and new. She ran her hand through my hair. I pulled apart from her luscious kiss.

"Man, it feels so good to kiss you again. I missed your lips" I said.

She reached her hand forwards and removed my shirt.

"So, I guess we are back together", I said.

"I guess we are", she replied.

Then, she shut me up with another kiss.


"It's a bit late for Starbucks, don't you think", I said. We were driving to our local Starbucks in the late afternoon since Bethany and I were busy this morning.

Bethany let out a playful gasp. "It is never too late for Starbucks".

"Okay, okay, just making sure", I said.

"Maybe okay will be our always" she joked.

I pretended to roll my eyes. "Bethany, you are obsessed with that movie. I'm starting to think you have a problem. I think you need to go to TFIOS Anonymous" I said.

"Is that even a thing?" she jokingly asked.

"Probably not, but you could totally be the founder if there isn't", I said.

"Okay, I'll keep that in mind", she said.

"This is Bethany Mota and my confession is that I read The Fault in our Stars ten times in three days, and then...I watched the movie 15 times after that and I've had a total amount of 30 minutes of sleep this week" I said.

She playfully slapped my arm. "I do not sound like that".

"I don't know, babe. I pretty sure I did a spot on impression" I said.

"We're here", I said before she could make her remark.

We got our drinks and then we drove back home. We sat in the car in the driveway.

"Derek, I-" she said.

"You're not breaking up with me again, are you? Because I love you so, so much. Yesterday was the worst day of my life, worser than the time I wasn't able to dance because I sprained my ankle and broke my toe" I interrupted.

"Um...no, I'm not breaking up with you", she replied. "I overreacted, which was really immature on my part. I realized that I hate every second that I'm not with you" she paused for a moment. "And also, I want to thank you for being so patient with me and for staying with me through this rough part of my life. I...what I'm trying to say is thank you for being here with me, I'm so lucky to have an such amazing boyfriend like you".

I stared at her for a moment. the sunlight was shining on her face, which turned her hair and eyes into a rich, golden colour.

She stared at me, looking for any forgiveness I could offer. If only she knew that I forgave her the second she had said hello.

"Bethany, I love you so much and I love you dimples and your smile and your sarcastic humour. I love being with you and having witty chats while we're going to Starbucks. While you were gone, I also learned something. I learned that I love having you in my life and that I don't want to live mine without you. So..." I paused my tangent and reached into the dashboard compartment of the car and grabbed a small red box.

I looked around and quickly realized that there was no way I could go down on one knee. So, I got out of the vehicle ran out to the passenger side of the car. I opened the door on Bethany's side of the car. I reached for her hand and guided her out of the car. I knelled down and then opened the box. Inside held a ring with a blue sapphire gem on the top. Bethany looked so beautiful in blue, that's why I had chose that ring. She placed her hand to her mouth and let out a small gasp.

I took a deep breath and said,"Will you marry me, Miss Bethany Noel Mota".

She nodded and barely replied,"Yes".

I stood up and hugged her. Then, we walked into our house together. I held her hand the entire way.

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