{Chapter 19}

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Beth's POV

I drummed my fingers on the steering wheel. Jeremy wasn't home. His car was not in his driveway.

I took off my seatbelt, opened the door and exited the car. I slipped my hand in my pocket and pulled out a key. It was silver with a hint of rust. Jeremy had given it to me.

I unlocked his door and went inside. All the lights were turned off and the house was tidy.

I was going to go into Jeremy's room when a thought hit me.

What drug had he used?

Will it hurt me or my baby?

I went into the bathroom and checked the mirror cabinet. There wasn't any medicine except for a small bottle of Tylenol.

He probably threw them out so that there would be no evidence.

I shrugged it off and went into Jeremy's bedroom. I had left some of my clothes and my purse and I planned to take them back.

I scrummaged through my bag and found Dr.Martin's business card.

I hit me that I forgot to call her and tell her that I was not going to do an abortion.

I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and dialled the number on the card.

I placed my phone up to my ear and waited. Then, a robotic voice said,"Dr.Martin will be right with you."

I let out a puff of breath. I sat down on the bed and fiddled with my nails while I waited.

After a few minutes of waiting, I heard,"This is Doctor Martin speaking."

"Doctor Martin, It's Bethany Mota. I have decided to not go through with an abortion."

"Oh, okay. You'll need to come in to my office to speak about some restrictions and guidelines that you will have to do while you are pregnant."

"Okay, I can come in tomorrow."

"Great, is 2:15 okay with you?"


"Okay good..."

"Um, Doctor Martin, I have one quick question."


"I wanted to know if you found any drug traces in my urine sample."

There was a long silence.

"Doctor Martin?"

"I'm still here. I just need to find that document..."

After another second or two, I heard her voice again. "Ah, here it is...no, there were no samples of any medication found. Why do you want to know anyway?"


"Okay then...do you have any more questions?"

"No. Thanks, Dr.Martin. See you tomorrow."

"You two, my dear."

I hanged up and slipped the phone back into my pocket. I grabbed my things and left Jeremy's house.

I locked the door. Then, I heard an engine rumble. I turned around to see Jeremy's car in the driveway with Jeremy sitting in the driver seat.

He stepped out of his car and locked the door. He looked at me with a bit of both shock and confusion present in his facial expression.

"What are you doing here?" Jeremy asked. He began to walk closer to me.

"I was just getting my clothes." I raised the bag of clothes so he could see.

"Oh, okay."

Now we are both face to face.
I traced a strand of hair behind my ear. I turned my head to look up at him since he was a bit taller than me. I could see hurt and remorse in his eyes. I remembered about the drug that he had (supposedly) given to me.

"Jeremy, I also found out that you had not given me any drugs."

His eyes widened, but he didn't reply.

"Why would you lie about that?"

He bit his lip. "I didn't want you to blame yourself. It was my fault just as much as it was yours. Also, I was hoping that you wouldn't think of your pregnancy as a punishment for yourself and your mistake and you would possibly abort the baby."

"I'm not going to abort the baby." I insisted.

"You don't know what your doing, Bethany. Please don't make an even bigger mistake." he begged.

I scoffed and walked away from him and to my car. He trailed along behind me.

"I'm sorry for lying, Bethany. Will you forgive me."

I stopped and pondered over it for a moment. Then, I nodded my head.


He let out a sigh of relief. I walked to my car trunk and placed my clothes in there.

"So, does this mean that you will come back and live with me?"

"No, I'll continue to live with my mom so that I won't be such of a burden anymore."

"You're not a burden to me." He insisted.

I closed the trunk.

"It's okay, Jeremy. I'll stay with my parents."

I went into the driver's seat. I turned on the car. Jeremy knocked on the passenger seat window and I lowered it.

"So, that's it? You're not going to let me see my child?"

That question hit me. Jeremy was the child's father just as much as I was it's mother. He deserves to see his child, right?

"I don't know." was all I could reply with.

He let out a grumbly sigh and toke a step back from the car.

"Okay, think about it because I deserve to see my child, too."

"Yeah, I will. Goodbye, Jeremy."

"Goodbye, Bethany." he said before I drove away.

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