{Chapter 21}

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-Approximately six months later-

Beth's POV

I kept my eyes shut and tried to relax, but I felt so fat!

Derek was at home, or maybe he was at the studio, I don't know. My mom wouldn't let me call him using my cell phone because she insisted that "the radiation will hurt the baby".

I felt the sudden urge to pee. I wobbled out of my bed and began to hobble towards the bathroom.

Doctor Martin said that I would have to do as much as laying down as possible. I walked every so often, but my legs always felt like jell-o, like my legs were just going to collapse and I was going to topple over like a line of dominos.

I used the bathroom and then stood up. I felt a pop. Fluids cascaded out of me and covered the bathroom tiled floor. The liquids were clear and mucky. Then, I noticed blood. Oh no.

I began to wobble toward my large, brown, wooden cabinet. I think my cell phone is there.

Suddenly, I felt a sharp, piercing pain at my lower region. I let out a wince and froze in pain. Now, I just wanted to topple to the the floor.

As soon as the pain decreased from it's peak, I began to walk faster, to the phone. I would call Brittany, she would know what to do, she's been pregnant before.

I dialled her number, but got caught at the last one, was it a six or a seven? I pressed 7 and prayed that it was the correct number.

I waited.

"Hello?" Brittany said.

I internally thanked god. It was seven, thank goodness!

"Brittany, it's Beth. My water broke and I think I'm going into labour and there's no one at home and I need help."

"Beth, calm down. Just start by breathing."

"I can't. I'm so scared, Brittany and it hurts and there was blood." I whimper. My lip trembles and I begin to cry.

I hear her curse under her breath, she does it very quietly, such so that it is just a faint whisper to my ear.

"I'll be there in a few minutes...actually, call nine-one-one."

"But I-"

"Now, Bethany! I'll be right there and I'll ride in the ambulance with you."



"Thank you and I love you." I whispered into the phone.

"I love you, too." she said. Then, the phone fell into the end tone.

I dialled the three numbers.

"Nine-one-one, what's you emergency?"

Derek's POV

"Okay. Thanks, Brittany." I said. I pressed the end tone. Brittany had told me that Bethany was going into labour. The baby is early!

I grabbed my car keys and slipped on my shoes. I raced out the door without locking it. I had to get to the hospital now! Bethany needs me.

I went into the car and turned on the ignition and reversed out of the driveway. I looked out of my rearview mirror and saw someone standing behind the door.

I lurched to a stop. The person walked up to the passenger door an knocked on it. It was Jeremy. I unlocked the door. He opened the door and sat in the seat.

"What do you want? Can't you see I'm in a hurry?" I snapped.

"I know. Bethany is pregnant. My car broke down and you are my only hope of getting of see her. Please?"

I sighed and began driving.

"Fine." I grumbled.

"My child is coming early." he mused.

I scoffed.

"What? This is my child, you know."

"Yeah, because you had sex with her after what, two words of dialogue, you f*ckboy!"

"If you haven't realized, Derek, I supported her when she got bullied. I never left her even when it got tough, but for you, she gets diagnosed with cancer and you're just over her."

"Oh please, that's not even what happened. Beth dumped me."

"Yeah, she broke up with you because she couldn't handle you crying like you were the one who got cancer. You didn't even support her, you just cried!"

"Well, how about you. The first thing you did when she got cancer was try to get into her jeans!"

"It was actually Bethany who initiated the sex."

"LIAR!" I shouted.

"When have I ever lied to you, Derek?"

"Whatever, it doesn't matter."

"Says the guy who called me a f*ckboy."

I began to rage with anger. I lowered my foot more onto the gas pedal. The sooner I could get to the hospital, the sooner I could and would avoid Jeremy.

"Well, you are one. I bet you have sex with every girl that you can get your hands on."

"DEREK, WATCH OUT!" Jeremy cried.

But it was too late. I had run a red light and a large truck came smashing into the front of my car. It's horn blaring in my ears. I felt pain for a second and the world swallowed me into a dark pit of black before it all washed into white and I couldn't feel anything.

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