{Chapter 9}

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Beth's POV

I woke up and looked around. Memories of the previous day came flooding into my consciousness.

I looked around. My eyesight was fuzzy at first but then it began to focus. I saw a small glass coffee table a few feet in front of me.

I heard a rush of water flowing, I presume coming from the washroom. I sat up. My back was stiff from sleeping on the couch.

I stood up and stretched. I let out a sigh once the tension dissipated. The water flow stopped and I heard footsteps growing louder and louder.

Then, Jeremy appeared in the doorway. He was wearing a t-shirt and his boxers. A smiled turned up on his face. His hair was out of place and he wasn't wearing his usual button up and yet, he still looked sexier than ever.

"Good morning, beautiful," he said.

I blushed a little. "Good morning to you, too," I replied.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked.

I nodded. "I did. Oh, and thanks for letting me stay at your house. I really appreciate it."

He ran his hand through his hair and smiled. "You're very welcome".

He sat down beside me. "So, have you made you decision?".

I nodded my head. "Yeah, I had this dream of Derek being present at my funeral and it was absolutely horrifying. He was so distraught and I was stuck in place, unable to move and to be able I soothe him. It was just terrifying. So, I think I'll need to stay strong and stay away from him so that I won't hurt him" I explained.

"Well, I just want to let you know that you are welcome to stay here for as long as you need to"

I felt a rush of relief. "Thank you, I'm just so lucky to have someone like you to be here for me".

He smiled. Man, his smile was so sexy. He reached his hand forward and placed it on the back of my head. He leaned into me. His lips inching closer and closer to mine. He was about to kiss me and unlike our date(-ish) at Starbucks, I didn't stop him.

His lips were smooth and his kiss was gentle. He ran his hand through my hair. I lifted my hand and ran my fingertips along his muscular chest. He cupped my face as we kissed. His fingertips were soft and gentle on my cheeks. It felt amazing.

After a while of kissing, we pulled apart. We were both panting. I rested my face on his hand. He brought his hand down and then he smiled.

"Wow!...that was better than anything I could have imagined" he said.

The rosy red began to appear in my cheeks yet again and I smiled.

He smiled back. I pressed my lips to his and kissed him. I ran my hand through his sexy brown hair. He pulled apart from me and then he took off his t-shirt.

I ran my fingertip across his toned abs. He let out a moan. His hand reached for my white tank top. He looked into my eyes, mentally asking for permission to take off my tank top. I nodded and with one swish, he removed the tank top. I wasn't wearing a bra because I had taken it off the night before,

He carried me to his bed and he checked to see if I was okay. I nodded and we continued.


Derek's POV

I held her phone in my hand. I ran my thumb along the screen. Then, I had a rising suspicion of where she could be. She wasn't at her parents or her sister because I called them and they denied having her there and she wasn't staying with one of her friend because none of them were in the city right now either because they were on tour or because they live in another city.

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