{Chapter 5} and 5k views

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Ahh! I got 5k views on Goodbye Bethany. I just can't even! thank you so so SO much for reading this story and Goodbye, Bethany. Also, thanks for all your support. I am so grateful for all this. I truly wouldn't where I am today without all you. I am aware that 5k isn't that much compared to other stories, but 5,000 is just a number. I am just so happy to know that people take time out of their day to read my story, and even leave supportive comments that truly make my day! I can't even thank you enough, so here it goes.

Thank youxinfinity and beyond!



Beth's POV

I let out a yawn and stretched my limbs out. I hop out of bed. I drag myself downstairs but not before stopping in front of our bedroom cupboard. There are photos of Derek and myself posing together after we got eliminated, a selfie at his opening show in New York City and a photo of him and I on the beach, wading in the water...

"Ahh, Derek put me down", I shrieked as he threatened to throw me into the water which would ruin my perfect look. And then he threw me in. I stayed deep in the water, letting my body soak in the water before popping back up. "oh, you are so dead", I said before chasing around

Later on, he fell asleep on the beach. With the help of Marin, we buried him in sand. "shhh", I whispered to Marin as she let out a giggle. We wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, now would we?

Let's just say, he was not pleased when he woke up...

I gently placed a kiss on his nose. His eyes fluttered open beautifully. He tried to escape the large mound of sand. "Beth, will you please help me", he said once he gave up. "oh no mister, this is what you get for ruining my hair", I replied. After much convincing and a promise of what we could do together in the beach house tonight if I unburied him, we dug him out.

I laughed, reminiscing about old times. Oh, had times changed since then...

Derek's POV

I sat downstairs on the sofa in the living room, watching a re-run of Dancing with the Stars from season nineteen. Bethany and I were doing the rumba to a song called try. She was so graceful with every step she took. She swiftly moved across the floor and poured her heart and soul into this dance.

There was a ring that filled the house, the doorbell. I stood up and walked to the door. There in the doorway was a guy I had never seen before. He had shaggy brown hair and light blue eyes. He wore a red short sleeve button up plaid shirt and pair of dark blue jeans paired along with a pair of black vans. To top it off, he was holding a bouquet of multicoloured roses.

"Hello, you must be Derek Hough. Is Bethany Mota here?", He asked. "Um, yeah she is. who are you", I replied. The guy opened his mouth to answer, but instead another voice came out, Bethany's. "Jeremy, is that you", she said. "It sure is", he said. Bethany walked over and threw her arms around him, enveloping him in a hug.

"I heard what happened and came here as soon as possible", he explained then handed her the bouquet. She pressed her face into the roses and gave them a sniff. She let out a sigh of pleasure. "These smell wonderful, thank you", she said.

I cleared my throat. They turned around to look at me. "I can already see that you met Derek", she said. "Yes, I have", he shook my hand. "It's such an honour to be meeting you. Nice job on your move tour with Julianne", he said. "and Derek, this is Jeremy Reynolds. Him and I were like besties in high school', she explained. "Quite so-", he turned to look at Bethany,"-we were quite the inseparable two, some people even mistook us for siblings, or heck, even fraternal twins". I let out a snort. Oh please.

"Well, why don't you come in and sit down", Bethany said and motioned toward the living room. "Well, I was actually wondering if you wanted to go to Starbucks so we could grab our daily doses of coffee and catch up", Jeremy asked. "Um, sure, I'll go, Just give me a few minutes to get ready", she said to Jeremy. She turned to me,"Babe, can you put this in a vase please", she asked. she batted her eyelashes. "Sure", I simply replied. A grin flashed across her face. She handed me the bouquet. Then, went onto her tip tiptoes and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Thanks", she said before making her way upstairs.

I walked to the kitchen and found the largest cup I could find and filled it up (almost to the brim) with water. I carried the bouquet in my left hand and the cup in the other. I placed the cup onto the dining table. Then, I placed the roses into the cup.

We sat down on the sofa and said a total of nothing. Finally after a few awkward seconds with Jeremy, I decided to start a conversation; knowing Bethany, she would take a while.

"So, where do you live", I asked.

"London, England. It's a beautiful place. You should go there"

"I grew up in London, Jeremy"

"Oh, lucky. I'm just moved to London recently for school"

"So, you're a student"


A few more moments of silence...

"Thanks for taking care of Bethany through all this. I know how hard it is to see someone you love slowly...decay. My mom died from breast cancer a few years ago"

I hesitated. What was I supposed to say that?

"I'm sorry"

"Yeah, me too"

"How have you been talking it", he asked

"To be honest, not as well as I feel I should be. It just kills me to see her this way", I admitted not just to Jeremy, but I guess myself as well.

"Ready, Jeremy", Bethany said as she just came down the staircase.

"Yeah, let's go", Jeremy replied. We both stood up from the couch. "Thanks for the chat", he said.

"You're welcome", I said.

Bethany walked over to me. "Bye, Derek", she said. "Bye, Babe", I said.

I gave her a short kiss on the lips and then, they left.

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