{Chapter 3}

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Beth's POV

"Hey guys, I have some news I would like to tell you", I toke a deep breath in,"I have lung cancer". I looked straight into the camera and bit my lip, determined not to break into tears. Then, I toke another deep breath in and continued,"I now it may come of as a bit of a shock, but I...I just needed to tell you all". I toke yet another deep breath in and let out a little laugh and tucked a little flyaway behind my ear,"well, that I has taken a dark turn". I placed my right hand over the lens and pressed the stop button. I heard a little beep signalling that,indeed, the video has stopped recording. I fell back onto my bed and took a sigh of relief. The news was finally out to the world, well, almost...

I took the memory chip out of my camera and placed it onto my computer and began to edit the video. It was a video on sweet snacks that you can make to go.

As I was clicking away on the mouse, editing quickly, Derek entered the room. "Hey", he said. "Hey", I said back. He gave me a peck on the cheek and sighed,"I love you", he said. "So do I", I replied. I turned my head to look at him. He had just woken up since he slept in. His eyes were red and puffy, almost like he had been crying. "Babe, are you okay", I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine", he snappily answered. I hesitated for a moment. By the conversation he had last night on the phone and the crying the night before, it didn't seem like he was fine...

"Well, I made breakfast". He smiled in delight. "What did you make", he asked. "That's for me to know, and for you to find out", I cockily answered."Now, shoo", I added. Then, he left.

Approximately 2 days later...

I was sitting at my computer chair scrolling through the Pinterest when my phone let out a ring. I lifted my hand off the computer mouse and reached for my phone. It was a notification from twitter. Someone had tagged me in their tweet I opened up the app and read the tweet.

Best of wishes to my #BAE, @BethanyMota. Lung cancer got noting on her. #awesomeasever (:

I bursted into a smile. Ever since I had posted the video, I had been receiving such tremendous support.

I walked downstairs. The newest episode of The Walking Dead was on. Yes you heard me right, the walking dead. Now we have no secrets.

Suddenly, I encountered an abrupt pain on my chest. I let out a small wheeze and dashed to the bathroom. I popped two aspirins into my mouth, dry swallowing them.

I exited the washroom to see Derek standing at the doorway of the washroom; he looked quite anxious. "Beth, honey are you okay", he asked. "Yeah, I'm fine, I just had a bit of chest pain. But I toke 2 aspirins so I should be good", I explained. "Okay, babe", he replied.

I walked back to the living room and continued watching the episode...

I checked the time. How long was I watching the walking dead for?


Oh shit! I'm late! Gah!! Come on, Beth, you had one job. I can't believe I binge-watched, for the second time this week!!

"DEREK!". He came running downstairs. "What wrong, are you in pain", he scrambled to say. "I'm not in pain, but I'm late for my chemo appointment", I explained. "Oh shit, you're right...okay, get ready babe, I'll drive you", he said. "Okay, thank you", I said before giving him a kiss on the check and racing upstairs to get ready.


"Ugh, my stomach hurts", I let out a groan. "Just hold on babe, you can do it, we're almost home", he comforted. I toke a deep breath, inhaling then exhaling, "okay, babe" I wheezed out.

Soon enough, we got home.

I raced into the house bathroom and hurled. Derek came in a few seconds later. He grabbed my hair, swiftly pulling it out of my face and rubbed my back.

"Thanks, Der", I said. "You're welcome", he replied. "just...thanks for being so supportive through all of this chaos", I said. He broke into a heartwarming grin. "I love you so much and I want you to know that I'll be there for you no matter what happens", he explained.

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