{Chapter 18}

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I opened the door and got out of the car.

"Bethany, please if you just-"

I slammed the door and walked to the door. I heard the car peel away behind me. I turned around to see that Jeremy had left. I raised my hand and rang the doorbell.

I took a step back and waited. After a few seconds, my mom open the door.

"Hello, Bethany...Did you forget something?"

"No, I didn't...Can I stay with you, for now?"

"Why? What happened with you and Jeremy?"

"Him and I got into a fight. So, can I stay with you?"

"Oh, um, okay."

She led me inside and brought some spare clothes for me to wear.

I changed and went into my bed. I reached my arm along the bed. It felt empty. For so long I slept with Derek...and now I wasn't.


My stomach began to ache. I let out a groan and clutched my stomach. I'm sick of vomiting. Stupid pregnancy. Why is it that I feel so terrible producing something so breath-taking and beautiful?

I hopped out of bed and walked downstairs. The area was dark. I flipped on the light switch and went to the kitchen. I ran my hand along the line of cupboards. Which one held the cups?

I opened the first one, it wasn't in there. I shut the cupboard. I leaned back onto the island.

If I could remember...I ran my line of sight along all of them...it had to be this one.

I walked up to it and opened the cupboards. It held a stack of fancy glass cutlery and some other things along with a few plastic cups that Brittany and I used when we were younger. Jeremy and I also used them once when we couldn't find any clean glasses except for those.


I grabbed the first one I could reach. A neon blue plastic cup. it would have to do. I rinsed the cup and filled it with water. I sat down on one of the island stools and drank the water. I felt refreshing on my parched throat. I let out a sigh and placed the cup in the sink. I would wash it first thing tomorrow morning.

I walked out of the kitchen, upstairs and into my room. I laid back on the bed and stared up on the ceiling. It had little doodles on it.

Once I had been tall enough to reach the ceiling-while standing on my bed, of course-I used it as my colouring book. Stars, the moon and a few planets were on there to give me a full night sky view.

I smiled. Mom had totally freaked when she looked up and saw that I drew on the ceiling with Brittany's sharpies. Yeah, those drawings weren't coming off any time soon.

My phone let out a buzz. I reached out to my bedside table and grabbed my phone. After lowing down the brightness, I check for who had contacted me.

It was Jeremy.

Beth, I'm sorry. Please forgive me.

I let out a wince. Oh yeah, I was pregnant with Jeremy's baby. I ran my hand along my stomach. I guess there was a small bump, sort of, not really.

I switched the application to my messages. There was one from a few months ago from Derek.

Hey, Beth. This is Derek and I'm at the store and I got the milk and eggs, but what was the other thing you wanted? I swear it's on the tip of my tongue...Anyway, call me back when you're able to, I love you, bye. *beep!*

I clutched the phone in my hands. My breathing began to quicken. I bit my lip. I began to cry.

I missed Derek. I missed being normal and without cancer and without being pregnant. I wish that I hadn't slept with Jeremy. I wish thing were like this where our biggest relationship problem was forgetting the butter.

I pressed my face into my pillow and cried and eventually, I fell asleep.

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