{Chapter 13}

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Beth's POV

I threw the test against the wall.

It's probably defected, right?

I exited the bathroom and ran out into the living room. There I saw on the screen of the television, Jen and Derek dancing the jive that they had done on week 5.

What do I do? Is it safe to have a baby if you have cancer?

I called the first person I could think of, Brittany. I'm sure she would know what to do.

"Hello?" Brittany said.

"Brittany, it's Beth. I'm pregnant and I don't know what to do", I rapidly spewed out.

"Okay, first, calm down" she instructed.

I sat down on the couch behind me and toke a few deep breaths and began to relax.

"Okay, I did. What do I do now? I don't know if it's safe to have a baby if you have cancer"

"Well, maybe you can schedule an appointment to find out" she suggested.

"Okay, hold on", I stood up and began to look for the phone number for the hospital. I found the number written on a business card, magnetized to the fridge.

"I found one, I'll call right now, thanks for your help Brittany, you're a life saver"

"Beth, wait!" she said right before I was about to press the "end" button.


"You should probably tell Derek" she suggested.

"Yeah, okay, I will. Thanks Brittany". Then, I hanged up.

I dialled the number and waited...

"Hello and welcome! You have just called the Carling Hospital patient line. If you would like to reschedule an appointment, press 1, if you would like to renew you prescriptions, press 2, if you would like to speak to an operator, press 3-"

I pressed three and waited.

"An operator will be with you in a moment"

Then, Fur Elise began to play. I let out a groan. Hurry up!

Finally, after a forever of waiting, a female voice said,"Hello"

I woke up from my half-slumber and said,"Um, hello, um, my name is Bethany Mota and I would like to schedule an appointment to speak with Doctor Martin about my cancer because I just learned that I am pregnant"

There was a silence and I was able to hear a faint clicking noise on the other side of the line.

"Well, Doctor Martin isn't here today, but I can schedule an appointment for tomorrow"

"Okay, that's fine"

"Great, you're appointment is at 1:35 PM tomorrow in Section C"

"Okay" I said. Then, I hanged up.

I took a deep breath. Now it is time to tell Derek. I stared at his number written on my phone screen. How will he react? Well, there is only one way to find out.

I pressed the call button and waited.

"Hello, Bethany" He said

"Hi Derek. Um, are you busy? I have some news I want to tell you" I said.

"Um, no, I'm not busy. Is everything okay?"

I inhaled a deep breath; it was time to tell him.

"Yes, except for that I toke a test today and found out the I'm pregnant" I explained.

There was a pause on the phone.

"Derek, are you still there?" I asked.

"Yeah, I am. Pregnant? Are you sure?"

I nodded my head even though he couldn't see me. "Yeah, I'm sure".

There was another moment of silence.

"What about your cancer? will it affect the baby?" he asked

"I'm not sure, but I just booked an appointment at the hospital for tomorrow in the afternoon at 1:35, so I can talk to Doctor Martin about it". I answered.

"Oh okay, I'll be there soon" he said"

"No Derek, you should stay there in..." I suggested, but it was too late. Derek had already hung up.

I sighed and threw the phone on the couch. GMA had finished and in its place was a fashion talk show or something.

I picked up the remote and began to watch a recording of Scandal. The show is starting to get really intense. What with Olivia's father being brutally murdered by an anonymous person that Olivia had nothing to do with.

I began to get sleepy. I stood up and grabbed a large blanket. Then, I sat down and wrapped the blanket around myself.

I was awake so late last night because Derek decided to throw a party at our house. It was crazy and loud. The music still faintly drummed in my ears and there was still some confetti rained out on the floor.

I don't really remember anything after that because the sleep that I missed last night had caught up with me and I fell asleep.


I could hear a faint creak.

Is that a murderer?

I popped one of my eyes open. a shadowy figure was slowly opening the door. He was carting two large suitcases.

Even though it was dark, I could still see his golden blonde hair shimmering in the darkness.

He placed them down and walked over to me. On his way, he flipped on the light switch and the room illuminated. I shut my eyes and stayed silent. I could feel him place his hand on my forehead. He held it there for a few seconds then let out a sigh.

I opened my eyes and said "Derek?". He toke his hand off my forehead.

"Hi, Beth. Sorry for waking you up. I was just checking your temperature. You're really warm. Are you sick?"

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "No,I-I don't think so".

My eyes began to focus on him. He was trying to smile as much as he possibly could but I could tell he was tired. There were slight bags under his eyes and his cheeks drooped. He has had a minimal amount of sleep ever since the finale and he has taken two plane trips in less than two days.

"Derek, you didn't have to come back" I said.

"I know, but I wanted to. This is my son or daughter as well and I want to be there to support you"

There was a glimmer in his eyes. He took my hand in his and he rubbed his thumb along the back of my hand.

"Okay then...perhaps you should go to sleep" I suggested.

"Do I really look that tired?", he asked.

I nodded. "Yeah, you do, now go get some rest" I commanded.

"Okay". He stood up and walked over to pick up his bags.

"Derek, don't worry about the bags, just please, go to sleep"

He sighed and went upstairs.

I turned back to the TV screen. The news were on but the program was muted.

I should join Derek upstairs my brain said although every other muscle told me to just stay here for two minutes.

I laid back down on the couch and before I knew it, once again, I was out like a light.

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