Chapter 1

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Eren's Point of view.

I've always wondered how is it like living a normal life. Basically I've been living my whole life here at the hospital.
When I was little I always had trouble breathing and i would always be sent here at the hospital and stay for a few weeks. I never got to go to school I'm home schooled but I would do my homework here at the hospital. I would always ask my parents if I could go to school but they would decline and tell me that it's for my own good. I would argue with them but they still wouldn't let me go.

I heard someone knock on the door so I told them to come in I sat up and looked at who it was. It was my mother she's probably here to check up on me. She looked at me and smiled before coming near my bed and sit down.

"How are you doing honey?" She asked me and smiled. I know she's tired of seeing me always in here with tubes connected to me. She probably wanted me to have a normal life she's probably blaming herself for what happening to me. Everytime she comes and visit me I would always smile to assure her that I'm doing fine.

"I'm doing fine mom the doctor came earlier and told me I can be discharged tomorrow." I told her trying my best not to show her how hard it is for me to be outside the hospital knowing I will always comeback here. I looked at her and see looked like she wanted to tell something. "Oh that's great honey." She paused a little and continued "Eren remember how you always wanted to go to school." I looked at her nodding and letting her continue. "Well your father and I decided that you can go to school next week." My eyes beamed with happiness not believing what I heard I looked at her and she sat next to me and I smiled at her and hug her. "Mom thank you so much I love you." I said hugging her I felt tears running down from my eye as I hug her not letting her go."Your welcome honey." She smiled and held my cheeks and wiped my tears.

"We already have prepared everything for you we also told the principal about your condition but we told him not to tell the student so they can treat you like a normal teenager and if you wanna tell them about your condition you can tell them it's your choice." She said every word felt like they were the best words I heard my whole life. I looked at her and smiled even bigger "Thank you so much mom this means so much for me I love you." I thanked her again and pulled her into another hug.

For once in my life everything felt good.
I'm finally going to school and I hope in my short life I can make friends so someone can remember me I also want to meet the person I will love before I die and I want them to know how much I love them and how it wanna stay and live a long life with them. In my short life that's all I want because I know I won't be able to experience other stuff. I just wanna experience those before I die before I disappear into this world. I want someone to remember me and not just my family I want to make friends that will remember me forever so now that I'm finally going to school I will make as many friends as I can so they can will remember me.


I got discharged last week and today is my first day of school I still can't believe I'm going to school. I can finally feel normal. I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. I brushed my teeth and took a bath. I wore my new uniform and looked at myself on the mirror. I couldn't help but smile as bright a the sun. I'm finally going to school. I wonder how many friends will I make. I kept staring at myself in the mirror until someone knocked on my door. I opened it reaveling my mother. Once she saw me she smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and pulled out of the hug. I looked at her and noticed she had tears in her eyes. I smiled and wiped them.

"Come on let's eat breakfast." She said smilling and patted my back. We went downstairs to eat. "Your father and Zeke already left because they had to go early today Zeke is now practicing in being a doctor and he decided to be an intern at the hospital your father is working at." Mother fold me as we sat down. "Oh good for him he's already gonna graduate soon." I said. "Your brother said he wanted to be a doctor so he could help you and other patients with the same condition as you." She told me. I love my brother even though he's not my full brother he's just my father's son from another lady from before him and my mother. They told me his mother died when he was born and dad needed to take care of him alone. But after a few years he met my mother and raised him together then had me.

"Is that so it's to bad I might not make it to his graduation." I said looked at my mother and she looked scared also worried. " Oh honey don't say that I'm sure your gonna make it." She said trying cheer me up. I know that I'm gonna die soon. I've been sent to the hospital more often now. I guess what the doctors said was true. When I was twelve they told me I was only gonna live until I'm eighteen they said my heart is really weak and it's not doing its job properly my organs don't get enough blood and some are starting to fail. I know my family knows that I won't make it but they still hope that I will. I hope to live a long life with them but I'm already loosing hope. The medicines that I drink are now doubled and I feel my body is really weak.

"Yeah I still might make it." I said trying not to make my mother more sad. I always tell them I will be fine fine but I know I won't.

We continued eating. After I was finish my mom was already waiting for me at the car ready to drive me to school.

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