Chapter 16

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Mikasa's Point of view

Days passed by quickly, Eren was already back at school and everyone already knows. We all talked to Eren and his plans. We told him that we supported him in his decisions. After that he said we should just focus on the current events first. Which is the band preparations. After what me and Sasha talked about a few days ago I can't help but get flustered at the realization that I like him. I tried my best to keep it cool so he won't notice and I seem successful.

"Mikasa." He called my name I looked at him and tried to avoid eye contact but his green orbs always have it's way to make me look at it. I hummed in response.

"What song would you want to sing?" He asks. Oh yeah we're figuring out what song to play. I forgot about that.

"I don't know. You guys decide I'll sing what you guys can play." I said. I'm the leader and all but I mostly let them choose what we play.

"Ahh okay I'll think of something then." He said and I smiled and nodded my head.

"How about each one of us pick a song and then draw it on a hat. Which ever we grab from that hat would be the one we're playing." Connie suggested. We looked at him and agreed. We started to write down songs. We then folded them and put them on the hat.

"Okay don't tell if it's your song okay!" He said and we nodded. He ruffled the papers and picked one up. He opened it and raised it up high.

"Okay it's 'Talk to you' by Ricky Montgomery!" He said and we all agreed to it. Like Connie said none of us said which one wrote it. After that we started to learn the song. I played it over and over again until I finally memorized it. As I listened to it I started to relate to the lyrics. It made me remember the times I wish I could talk to my parents. With ease I easily memorized every part of it. The others started playing it and they seem to find it easy too.

"Guys I've got an idea." I said and they all stopped and looked at me.

"What is it?" They asked.

"So I'm thinking maybe you guys could sing the back up parts. Or those parts where he says 'what!' And the humming part and stuff." I said and they all agreed.

"We could do that maybe add some little harmonizing at some parts too!" Historia suggests. And we all agreed to it.

"Okay then let's go back to practicing." I said and they went back to what they were doing. After a while is started to sing it little by little. And after finishing it I looked up to them who were taking a break.

"I feel exhausted. Let's take a break then let's try and play together." I said as I drunk my water. They nodded.

Ymir sat next to her keyboard. Marco and Connie were sitting next to each other with Marco holding his bass. Historia was studying her music sheet and Eren was next to me sitting with his guitar on his lap. He then sat up properly and took something from his bag when he noticed me looking at him. He took a pack of strawberries and gave them to me. I smiled. He must have remembered how I enjoyed the strawberries before.

"I remember how you enjoyed eating them before so I packed you some strawberries." He said scratching the back of his head. I blushed and smiled at him.

"Thank you." I said. I glanced at the others to see if they saw me blushing. And to my surprise Connie was looking at us with a smirk on his face. Ugh Sasha... don't tell me you told him. This girl really.

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