Chapter 11

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Mikasa's Point of view

"Levi?" I look for him once I entered the house. I heard some noises on the kitchen so I decided to check if he was there. By my surprise he wasn't. It's suspicious that something was making a sound though. I looked around and heard a pot rattling. I looked it that direction and the pot continued to move.

I took a pan planning on using it as a weapon. I opened the pot seeing a black scared kitten. It tried running away but it was cornered.

With curiosity I tried grabbing it, hoping it wont bite or scratch me. I went closer to it and rubbed its head and it started to purr. I put the pan down and picked up the kitten.

"Hello there, why didn't you bite me? You're pretty cute and friendly. Wanna stay with me?" I talked to it while I cradle it like a baby. It continued to purr, it then moved and went up to my head and sat down.

"I'll take that as a yes." I said smiling a little.

"Oi what's that on your head huh?" I looked at my behind and saw Levi leaning on the door frame.

"A cat. Can we keep it?"

"No. It's filty."

"I promise I will take care of it and clean after it. You don't have to worry about it please?" I begged him.

"No." He said in a more stern voice.

"Hmm want a deal?" I suggested and he nodded.

"I keep this cat and I will clean the house and cook dinner for the rest of the week."

"Okay. What's its name?" He asked. I took the cat from my head and looked at its gender. You're a boy huh. Okay then what shall I name you? I found you in a pot so maybe I'll name you Soup. That sounds good.

"Soup." I said.

"That's a weird name. It's your cat so whatever." He said and turned around about to leave the kitchen.

"Oh and Levi I need to ask you one more thing." I said and he turned around to face me again. He nodded gesturing me to speak.

"We are gonna enter a music competition and we need a manager. And since you had a band before maybe you could be our manager?"

"No. I've got things to deal with. Go ask four eyes she will surely agree."

"Yeah she will but I'm not sure if we can let her lead us. And one of our band mates are not gonna survive her. She wants to experiment on him." I explained.


"Ugh fine." I said.

"Good now go and bathe that filty creature."

I took Soup to my room and made him a little bed using a box and my blankets. I went to my bathroom and prepared a little bath for Soup. While preparing my phone rang so I went and get it. It was Hanji. I picked it up and put it on speaker so I can work while I talk to her.

"Mikasa! I heard your band signed up for the competition!" She said on the line.

"Yeah but we're kind of struggling. We don't have a band manager and a name. I asked if Levi is willing to be the manager since I know you guys had a band before but he said no."

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