Chapter 25

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Years later

Eren's Point of view

It has been a long night for us, especially for Mikasa. At 7 p.m. we needed to get her to the hospital fast, she was on her 32nd week then her water broke. We didn't expect her to come sooner, but now she's safe. They gave Mikasa an emergency c-section. Their both safe now, but she does need to stay in the NICU for atleast a few weeks. Mikasa is still sleeping, doctors said she needs to rest for a while.

Levi and Hanji were with us last night, but they said they'll be back later since they needed to take some of the baby stuffs we forgot to pack.

I watched her sleep peacefully, when a sudden knock was heard. The nurse opened the door and I went near her.

"Sir, you can see your daughter now. Would you like to come?" She asked me, I nodded my head and turned to look at Mikasa for a while.

"I'll be back..." I whispered. I then turned to the nurse and she led me to the NICU. I'm finally gonna see her and hold her into my arms. I wonder how she will look like. I hope she has Mikasa's hair and fair skin.

Not too far from the room, was the NICU. I sanitized my hand and went inside. There were babies inside incubators they all had all sorts of wires connected to them. The nurse showed me where she was and as the moment I laid my eyes on her, my tears immediately teared up.

I can't believe it, that's my daughter. She's so small, she seems healthy thank God. I went near her and stared at her in awe.

"Your baby is very healthy sir, she had no complications, she just arrived early."

"Can I hold her?" I asked and she nodded. She then took her out of her incubator and handed her to me. I held her in my arms.

"Hello my little one, you gave us quite a scare last night, don't scare us again okay?" I said caressing her cheeks softly. I could tell that she'll look like her mother, remembering how Mikasa looked like in her baby pictures, she'll definitely look like her.

We stayed like that for a while until I decided to let her go so she can rest. The nurse said we can go home in a few days. I said my goodbyes to my baby and headed to Mikasa's room.

I arrived there, with Levi and Hanji already sitting there with Mikasa still sleeping. They also brought the baby stuffs that we forgot. With his usual scowl he looked at me almost liek he is annoyed.

"Where did you go?" He asks.

"I went to the NICU and saw her."

"How is she?"

"She's very healthy and had no complications." I said and they sighed in relief.

"Have you had any ideas what to name her?" Hanji asked.

"We've agreed on the first name and for her second name we are still debating between two names. I'll let her choose this one." I said and they nodded. I sat near Mikasa and carresed her hair.

"She's as beautiful as you..." I whispered to her. After a few minutes, Armin and the others arrived, although Reiner and Bertholdt and Marco wasn't with them, they said their all out of town.

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