Chapter 8

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Armin's Point of view

It's now Thursday. I told everyone that we can't visit Mikasa and we decided to wait for her to come back to school so we could all visit Eren together. We told Eren about it and he said it's okay with him and that he would be discharged on Saturday cause the doctors decided to make him stay there longer. He said there were some few problems that's why they made him stay a little longer. But he will be back to school on Monday.

"Mikasa!" We ran up to her as we saw her arrive at school.
We all tackled her into a hug.

"Mikasa! We're so worried I thought I lost the love of my life! Marry me now I don't want to loose you!" Jean whined.

"Oi oi oi! What did you say to my little cousin?"

We heard Levi come from behind. We didn't even see him coming.
Well Jean is doomed for sure. He flinched when he heard Levi.
He started to run away from Levi but Sasha caught him. Sasha then handed Levi, Jean.

"Sasha?! How could you?!" He yelled.
"Cause your an asshole! Levi you can take care of him." She said and we all tried to stop our laughter.

"Oi say that again and I'll make sure your nails are all torn off. Now leave her alone or else I'll tell Hanji she can use all your nails and teeth for her experiments!" He grabbed his collar and scared him. We all know how crazy Miss Hanji gets with her experiments.

"I won't! I won't I promise! Please don't torn off my nails!" He cried.

"More like horse hooves." I heard Annie say. We all gave up and laughed.

"Levi put him down now. I'll be sure shut his mouth." Mikasa said.
Levi dropped him and gave him a glare.

"Tch brats. I'll leave you then I still need to talk to shitty glasses and your principal." He walked out.

"Mikasa! I thought you were gonna die!" Sasha then hugged Mikasa so hard, damping Mikasa's shirt with her tears.

"Don't worry Sash I'm fine now."

We all hugged her once again.

"I'm sorry I made you guys worry. I promise to be careful next time."

"It's okay Mikasa we're just happy your okay. We're just worried cause both you and Eren got sick." I said.

"We love you Mikasa so please always take care if yourself." Historia said. I saw Ymir pouted a little but Historia then snacked her head.
I just gave a little chuckle.

"I love all of you!" Mikasa said and I saw a little tear from her eye.

We smiled at her genuinely.
"So after class we will visit Eren right?" She asks.

We nodded. "I hope his fine."

"We all do." I said.

"Mikasa!" We heard Hanji from behind. She ran and hugged her.
"Glad your fine now. You know the rules please." She said. We looked at them curious about the "rules".
It's probably nothing.

"Yeah yeah. Wait? I thought Levi was gonna talk to you?"

"Ohh I ran away from him." She said.
We looked at her confused. Why would she ran away?

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