Chapter 15

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Mikasa's Point of view

Armin and I went our separate ways. Levi came and picked me up. The ride was quiet. I was too worried to even speak. He's gonna need a transplant and who knows what might happen during the operation. Once we arrived home I went to my room and laid down on my bed. Minutes on staring at the ceiling thinking someone knocked on my door. I stood up and went and opened my door.

"Hey Mika!"

I jumped back in shock causing me to stumble and loose my balance. What is she doing here?!

"Sasha? Why are you here?" I ask her. "I came to see you of course. I wanna know what happened there!" She said and I sighed. I stepped aside and let her in my room. She ran and plopped down on my bed scaring Soup who was sleeping on my bed. I sat next to her and Soup sat on my lap.

"So what happened there? We're worried sick about Eren."

"When we arrived there they took him to the E.R. and checked on him after about an hour they put him in a room and we waited for him to wake up. When he woke up we talked a little and the doctors then came in and we left the room. Once they left Eren explained what's gonna happen." I said and she listend quietly to every word I said.

"What's gonna happen?"

"He needs a heart transplant they said it was the only way they can save him. He said he'll be back on Thursday and the transplant will happen in a matter of weeks."

"Can he make it to your band thing?" She asked and I nodded. I looked down and started to get worried again. She looked at me worriedly and hugged me.

"Don't worry Mika he's gonna be fine. He's Eren after all and one things for sure he never gives up." She said. I broke the hug and looked at her.

"I know he can do this but something is telling me that something will go wrong. And Sash it's weird every time I'm with him I have this weird feeling. It makes me wanna stay with him forever. I feel... safe... I don't wanna ever leave his side." I said, a small blush crept over my face. She looked at me and smiled.

"Mika are you saying you like him?" She asked and squealed after. I looked at her, I turned bright red and I couldn't speak.

"I-I don't know. Maybe? I don't know emotions are confusing ugh!!"

"I know they are but Mika you know you need to figure out your emotions I order to really understand what you want or what you feel."

"I know I know it's just... I don't know how to understand it. I may seem calm most of the time but I'm really not. I always overthink things I get confused with my emotions. I can't even control them properly. I hate it. I wish I had a better understanding of my feelings." I said.

"Well I might seem stupid and all but I can try and help you with that. Just try and focus on one thing at a time. I know you had a rough past and you didn't get to grow up properly since you were dealing with a lot of stuff. You didn't get to learn how to manage your emotions when you were little and that's very understandable. I bet all those times you felt lonely, you felt sad cause of the dark truth about them... not coming... back." She said. I started to break down once I remembered the times I cried myself to sleep longing for my parents warmth. I tried many coping mechanisms but none worked. I just ran away from all of my emotions, bottling every single one of them cause I was too weak to handle them. But it's different now. Now I can try and face my emotions. I already know what shutting them down did to me. That's why I should try and face them.

"Sasha I think you're right. I think I should try and focus on one thing at a time. Maybe I should try and face my emotions and try and understand each and one of them at a time." I said I looked up and smiled at her.

"Yeah that's it. So what do you think should you try and understand first?"

"My feelings for Eren?"

"Okay then. So tell me about how you think of him and what you feel when you're with him!" She said and smiled at me. I smiled back at her. Sasha knows a lot about this I wonder where she learned them.

"What I think of him? I think he's really thoughtful and nice. He's strong and never gives up. He always have his ways of making me smile. His comfort is the best of all. I feel calmed and safe around him. I feel... like he cares a lot... he makes me feel loved without really saying it. His ways of showing love is very different. And sometimes he just knows exactly what to do. It's like he can read my mind. It's weird really... I haven't felt like this with anyone before." I said with a smile on my face, blushing a little at the thought of him. I looked up to Sasha and saw her grinning widely. I looked at her confused.

"What?" I asked getting flustered.

"Mikasa it's so clear! Like I said earlier you like him." She said. I looked at her, red.

"Really? I don't really know."

"Yeah, you really are that oblivious. You feel comfort around him and you said he has his ways of showing love. And you haven't felt like this with anyone else but him. It's clear as day you like him!" She said with the biggest grin ever. Oh no maybe she's right. What if she is right? Oh lord. No way I think I do. Shitt...

I turned more redder than ever. I buried my face on my pillow and screamed.

"What if he doesn't like me?! I would make a fool out of myself if I started liking him and he dosent like me back!" I said and started to overthink more.

"Oh Mikasa there's only one way to find out if he likes you back." She said with a bit of a smirk on her face.


"Confess to him of course!"

"Ohh no way am I gonna confess to him! No way nope! I don't want to get rejected!" I yelled.

"Fine then but you can't ran away from this. One day you'll have to." She said and I sighed.

Sasha's Point of view

Oh Mikasa, I never thought you were this oblivious! Well I know you need to figure this out on your own so I'll leave you be.

I watched her getting flustered. I grinned at her. I'll just enjoy seeing you flustered. I can't wait to tell Connie the tea. Jean will be heart broken Haha!

I can't help but worry about Eren though. I hope he's gonna be fine.

"Hey Mika you done getting flustered there?" I asked her and smirked.

"I'm not flustered!" She yelled getting even more red. I laughed at her and she looked at me pissed.

"Oh sure you aren't. Anyway I need to get back home it's getting late." I said and started to make my way to the door

"Yeah okay bye."

"Bye don't end up thinking about him all night okay!" I yelled and went out of the door. I heard her yelling from the other side and I just laughed.

I rode my bike on my way home. Our house isn't really that far apart. Once I arrived home I went straight to the fridge and got food. After grabbing a handful of snacks I went to my room and did my shitty homework. I wonder what will happen to Eren I hope he's gonna be fine.

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