Chapter 2: A New Persona

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Harry woke up the next day feeling like a new person since his former questions had been answered and his insecurities because of them had vanished into thin air; as if the old him had melted away and the him he was now was ready to accept himself for who he had become with full acceptance in all ways. Ready to take the world by surprise and he relished the fresh summer air coming in through the curtains as the morning sun filtered through them and warmed the room with its rays. Harry rolled over intending to go back to sleep, but a knock sounded on the door and Harry then heard his aunt yell at him about breakfast and then mowing the lawn.

He was annoyed now; more than just a little. He could have stayed put and no one would have been able to enter the room now besides him and anyone he himself invited to the room...but he knew well that he couldn't just do this because that response just had questions begging to be asked by his relatives. So, he sighed softly into his very comfortable bed and pillows before he gave Hedwig a 'sorry' glance, and then stood as he quickly threw some boxers and and tee on. He had become accustomed to sleeping nude after the changes occurred, and having been informed of his incubus status; it was now no wonder why any more.

Incubi hated layering fabrics over their bodies and felt more at ease in complete nudity than restricted by garments. Harry had noticed his distaste for clothing, but had decided he would only be nude when he felt it was safe enough like here in his rooms. His incubus side had balked at this, but then it had settled as he reasoned why and it gave in grudgingly

'You will be free to allow me to have you out when the time comes. For now we must survive.' Harry had told it

The incubus's orange-red eyes glowed, 'So long as I will not be caged away like the other side of you before now'

'Never again will we be caged as we were before.' Harry agreed, 'I will be who we want now and as soon as you are safe enough with me to come out more; you will.'

Still, he doubted his relatives wanted him to cook breakfast for them in his birthday suit; though the thought was mildly entertaining enough as to their reactions should he try it one day.

"There you are, boy. Now get to cooking so my Dudders doesn't starve himself to death." Petunia shrieked at him

Harry just rolled his eyes and went to the stove to begin. As if any person who resembled a baby blue whale could starve in one day. He went about his routine and as he was leaving his aunt said " Grab a plate and sit."

The teenage incubus froze momentarily and then sighed. He fixed himself a small plate; he didn't normally indulge this much in foods so laden with fats, butter and salt or sugar. He tried to moderate it; even while at school. He sat down and remained quiet as he began to eat his food; trying not to tense up or show how unnerved he was to them. Petunia eyed her nephew oddly and wondered why he had changed so much in so little time before them.

"Vernon is at work and Dudley will likely hardly remember this conversation, so neither of them can reprimand me for asking. I know that I don't normally care about things that have to do with magic and your people, but I feel as if I need to ask. Did something happen in your world yesterday and that's why the man you brought into the house was here?" She questioned him with curiosity, "I know he was one your kind, so I tried to remain observant instead of demanding he leave at once as Vernon would have. His power was strong enough for even me to accept it and feel it. It felt cold and dark though, as if something bad happened to him." She continued

Harry was quiet and did not exactly know how to answer her. Something had happened in their world, or rather, something had happened to it because of his decisions yesterday; but he was doubtful his aunt would keep quiet of it if she felt threatened. Then he sparked an idea as a smirk appeared in his head.

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