Chapter 9: Moving Forward

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Harry, as the Incubus known as Sakima, had spent most of his time the next few weeks in the company of Draco Malfoy. As they tried their best to re-forge their bonds to each other. One of rivalry and loathing as their relationship of enemies to that of someone who considered the other a friend; perhaps slightly more than just friends, but not close enough to be partners. To most who eyed them; whether or not with jealousy, it would have seemed that Harry just enjoyed the Malfoy heir's companionship.

Someone who was his age and could relate to him more easily than all of the adults he was forced to endure the company of.

However, Tom had become rather nervous, anxious, and distressed by the situation he had thrown Harry's way by allowing Draco close. He had seen the way Harry looked at Draco when the other thought he hadn't. His eyes were soft and gentle. He nearly always had a smile when in his company, and Harry rather seemed to greatly enjoy him being near.

The blonde heir of his most trusted and his long-time friend in kind; he had appeared to have not exactly noticed the subtle motions, but it was clear that he also had not been totally blind to them. Draco had kept some level of distance from Harry; despite the attempts he made at luring him. Tom didn't know or understand why Draco had done this, but his jealousy was nearing its breaking point as the two came closer and closer to the other each day that passed.

He really wanted Harry to come back to him and for him to take comfort in him as he had before. He wanted to be the reason Harry laughed and smiled. He wanted to be the cause of them and know he had made him happy for once.

And as selfish as this was to think about, he wanted dearly for Harry to return to his side and to show Tom the love and affection he had showered on his other bed partners during his punishment.

For Harry to forgive him so they could move past this...

But Harry had barely spared a glance to him in three months other than when he had to be near to him, and his closeness to Draco was becoming more and more apparent. Tom feared that soon; Harry was going to choose someone and it wasn't going to be him like it should have been.

He would choose mere satisfaction before weakening and submitting himself to dying; after all he had done to try and save him.

It hurt; it really hurt Tom to even think about it.


Draco had joined Harry for lunch today and was enjoying conversations surrounding details that gave him an excellent opportunity to blackmail his godfather. Draco was quite devious and did not mind Harry's lack of modesty to his relationships.

While the topics often caused Draco no shortage of embarrassment; he also found it appealing and interesting. Harry, on the other hand, had no such problems with embarrassment anymore...much to Draco's chagrin and detriment.

"So have you learned anything new since last time?" he asked with a smirk

Harry pretended as if he had not a clue, "I don't know what you mean, Draco. I am afraid you need to be more specific." Harry smirked

Draco huffed at him; knowing Harry was teasing. He smiled with mischief, "I meant that did you learn anything more of my godfather? And his apparently unique bedroom tastes?"

Harry considered playfully, "I might have, but why should I tell you? I know that you only intend to use what I have told you as blackmail when you find it convenient..."

Draco stood up and walked over to him where he then sat on him teasingly and rolled his hips into Harry, who moaned at the contact.

"Because I can be very persuasive if you don't want to tell me, and I will find out sooner or later." He breathed to Harry softly

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