Chapter 20: A Family Matter

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After Harry had talked some with his mate and resituated himself in his room while reorganizing everything to his liking because the house elves had completely turned the room upside down in his opinion of order; he decided to go and see exactly what his Iyani wanted. Harry didn't really know what this would be about and honestly whatever it was kind of said it was bad, but he was sure he needed to hear of the news as it was and went anyways.

The walk from the fortress to the woods where they were located had helped him clear his thoughts more to a stable calm and to focus on whatever his father wanted without trying to place judgments and biases on it before he even heard whatever the situation was.

When he arrived, the tents had been set-up and they had their fires going with deer and bear roasting amid the vegetables that were being grilled or salads being made. Harry saw Kira with her new daughter and stopped before her with a gentle smile.

She had gone into labor mere minutes after they had landed and Kaia had needed to see to her immediately after their introductions had been made and she had a chance to escape while Marian, her apprentice, had helped Kira in the meantime.

"Kira." Harry said politely

Kira turned and saw Harry standing there with his less formal armor on; smiling and looking to her daughter with a gentleness many would love to see more often from him.

"Ninyi." She said with respect as she curtsied to him (Commander)

"She's beautiful, Kira. I hope that she is well and you are too?" He asked her without even blinking at the curtsies. He had become used to them now.

Kira smiled, "This is my second-born, Harry. The second-child is usually easier than the first unless complications or other circumstances occur. I am fine and Hiro is happy as the day we bonded. I can't be happier than this either, but truly I do feel very happy. I am more durable than a human witch, so I will be fine moving around so soon. Regenerative healing is wonderful thing." She smiled brilliantly

He nodded, "I suppose it would be. What is her name?"

"We decided to call her Vyaska or 'sky-born as her eyes reflect the October blue skies and she harbors elemental wind magic in her." Kira told him, "Would you like to hold her?"

(A/N: No, this is not me inserting myself to the story!)

Harry smiled brightly now, "If you don't mind?"

Kira shook her head and gently handed Vyaska to him. She showed him how to hold her without risk of dropping her or hurting her while still giving enough comfort and support to the child within his arms and the blanket. Harry smiled as the child then looked to him and giggled some before quieting.

"Her magic is strong, Kira. In time it will be stronger than yours or Hiro's is now, so be watchful as she gets older. Kaia may need to train her to be safe." Harry told her, "I know as her mother that you would do this normally and I don't think Vyaska will need Kaia's hand until she is in adolescence, but just be careful and observant as she grows. I will see to finding her a master to train the wind magic she wields when the time is right. If needed; I will step in and help train her as well since she cannot outmatch me, but she could try." He told her with a playful smile

Kira nodded happily to this and knew her daughter would be in safe hands no matter what if Harry or Kaia had to be there for her magic when she or Hiro couldn't be.

"How is Nolan?" He asked her

She smiled some, "He is good, and seems to like having a new family member. Though he really wants to start training soon. I told him that it wasn't mine or Hiro's decision to allow him to train with the spell-binders. It was yours, and so you had better be getting along before he comes back and sees you or you'll never be at peace." She laughed

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