Chapter 23: New Ideas with a New Start

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The next morning Harry and Tom woke to the glorious winter sun shining in the windows behind them and the warm rays tingling against their skin with warmth and comfort. Harry purred in contentment as his body curled into the heat of the sheets and Tom's arms while the sun warmed his face. Tom, who had been awake for some time now, had smiled to the sight and gently ran his hand through his long hair in peaceful contentment before it moved to rub his back.

Harry purred in relaxation and happiness to this and then stretched as he yawned and blearily opened his eyes.

"Morning." He said softly

Tom smiled to him, "Good morning. Do you feel alright to move from here? We have a long day ahead of us and I know we got quite rough last night. Although; neither of us complained about it." He asked him with a quirk of his lips into a small smile

Harry rolled over and smiled as his hand caressed his face, "Don't worry about it. I have healed through regenerative healing while asleep. It is of no worry or consequence. I will be able to travel through the barrier of the dimension fine and with little discomfort."

Tom nodded, "Then we should probably get up since it is passed ten now and we've slept longer than we both ever do normally. They're all probably wondering what happened to us."

Harry smirked at him and purred, "We probably slept so late because I wore us both completely out by the time we finished. I wonder what will happen the next time we are alone like this?" he said with suggestion to his voice

Tom's eyes flared in desire as Harry stood and walked slowly with languor to the bath while tempting him into following him. The dark lord who was now mated to him had no willpower to deny himself the pleasure and quite happily followed behind him to the shower.


Thirty minutes later Tom and Harry rejoined the main body of the mansion. Except something was off with everyone today it seemed and to Harry it looked like they had all lost their marbles; even Hermione participated in it.

They had all stopped and bowed to them as they walked silently along past them all at least once. Their gazes now held a respect like no other had before and there was an air of peacefulness here that Harry hadn't felt before.

He decided to question Hermione later.

Tom joined the Inner Circle with Harry and he called their attentions to order.

"Now that Harry is back with us and we have had time to recuperate from having to withdraw so severely from our operations; I want to detail out our next big move against Albus and his Order." He said firmly, "We will still be going to besiege the castle of Hogwarts and as before; the students are to be left out of the fighting unless they directly attack you."

"Due to my mate's kidnapping and captivity, we've had months of time to stock our supplies and rations; to ensure none of us are lacking for medical needs, potions, or food. Months to prepare our minds and our bodies in training for our attack, and to ready ourselves for whatever Albus tries to do when he is forced to engage our forces."

Tom's gaze hardened now, "However, Harry has information from his time in captivity he wants to share with you all and me so we are aware of the stakes. It could be of use to some and of value in other ways to others here."

Tom sat as Harry stood and faced them with a grim expression.

"I don't want to speak of this more than I must, as the memories are too, please listen and then question if needed." He said and watched as they all bowed in respect

"I became deathly ill because Albus had hired another potions master besides Severus to create the toxins that were designed to cleanse the demonic taint of the incubus from my blood as if it was never a part of me. Had I succumbed to it; I would not be here today." He told them seriously

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