Chapter 10: Peace

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When Harry woke for dinner, Draco was already gone as he knew he would be and sighed in unhappiness to this. He had hoped he would have stayed longer, but knew he risked becoming too attached to him if he had.

A knock sounded on the door and Harry stood slowly and stretched.

"Who is it?" He called with sleepiness still to his tone

"It's me Harry, and I...I need to talk to you." Tom said hesitantly

Harry stilled then as he stared in wonder of this. Tom had pretty much stayed away and abandoned him of late; as if he hadn't cared that ever existed or that he was supposed be an integral part of his life. He honestly didn't think Tom was going to accept his wrongs, and Harry knew he was really wishing for something far out of place as it was.

"Come in then, but I am undressed so you will have to deal with it." Harry told him coldly

Tom slowly entered the room and stood inside the door as he shut it. Harry's cold gaze suddenly showed hidden concern; his mate's eyes seemed sad and tired. As if he had not been sleeping well or at all for several days. Harry then noticed that he was a bit thinner than he last recalled seeing him as, and this indicated Tom had not been eating properly either.

"May I sit and talk to you?" He asked gently

Harry nodded as he too then sat and was concerned for this change in his demeanor; though he did not show it so openly. His training time was the only time he had been in his presence and Harry had been closed off to his approaches in his unholy fury to him.

So much so that it appeared he had missed Tom's deteriorating health.

"There are no words I can say that will forgive me for what I have done to you now, Harry." He said softly, "You had every right to be as furious and as angry as you were. I had not realized internally what it meant to be your mate in full."

"You tried to show me this by what you did and all I saw was you trying to make me jealous when in reality you tried to show me that if I didn't acknowledge you... that you would die from starvation because you would not accept anyone else fully like you could with me, and I could not accept you then."

Harry eyed him curiously and wondered if Tom really had truly learned his lesson now. He then stood softly and walked before him and touched his face as the ruby eyes looked up to his in hesitance and wonder as Harry smiled to him.

"There is no other meant for me in this world than you, Tom. You are the one who will protect me and hold my body to this earth. I live because of you saving me once already and if you have truly learned your lesson; then you know that I continue to live because of you as well but only if you are ready to be honest with me and open to me."

"You will anchor me here by providing me stability and a home where I know I have one person who can make all my hunger and problems vanish when they are ready to overwhelm me and my creature loses control over its anger. You feed my soul and I in return anchor you here until we no longer are needed." Harry told him

"I live an extremely long time as an Incubus, and to bind yourself to me; you are extended this lifetime as my mate. I would die soon enough without you to care for me, and you have already pushed the boundaries as it is." Harry told him sadly as he turned to walk away

Tom looked at him with sadness, "I never meant to. I didn't understand what I had unintentionally brought upon you. I know we need time to work things out with this, but please Harry; can we not try?"

Harry stood there and in silence before his voice was no more than a mere whisper, "Can you open yourself to me and be honest without hiding things from me? The more secrets from each other we have, the more danger there is to us."

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