Chapter 16: An Alliance is Made

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Harry and Tanek walked silently in uneasy companionship towards the Tent that housed him and Kaia, who happened to be his mate. Harry was questioning whether or not he had spoken too early for this; regrettably it was too late to back out now as well.

Tanek meanwhile; his mind was on what Shara had told him of the boy. He was gifted in magic far beyond himself, and he could hold his own against nearly anyone who threatened him. The boy, however, did not seek power out to covet as his own. This was odd for those raised among humans and maybe a blessing in disguise for the clan.

Harry watched everything and observed all that was around him. Even if you thought he was not looking; he knew what you were doing, where you were doing it, and why you were as well. He held vigilance over all his thoughts and emotions. Had he been born to the clan from within it, Tanek would have said he would have made a fine heir to his leadership.

It was something worth considering since Kaia was not able any longer to conceive. She had been attacked when accidently wandering too far from the camp. Those who had hurt her made sure she would never have any children and Tanek had avenged her; but, her sadness still lingered between them in this. Harry had all the makings of a fine clan leader and probably would be one of the strongest seen if he wanted this, but Tanek doubted the boy wished to just leave the human lands and come to them willingly for he had far too much connection to them to just abandon them.

The tent smelled of freshly baked bread and a lightly cooked deer with asparagus and corn as the sides. Harry smiled at the simple nature of the food and wondered for the first time if all clans ate this way.

"Thank you for seeing me Tanek. This means much to me and I hope that this discussion will be considered after I leave. Kaia, the food looks wonderful." Harry said as he bowed to her in respect

Kaia smiled gently and Tanek nodded, "Let us eat and discuss then."

The three of them sat on a variation of large pillows amid furs like when Harry woke after arriving there. There was now a summoned low table that the plates were on. Similar to oriental tables but still of European design.

"I hope I do not sound hasty, but you are aware that the war is now on-going in Britain again?" Harry said slowly

The couple nodded, "Yes, but we have been moving hopefully out of its path to avoid it if we could." Tanek said

Harry nodded sadly, "Unfortunately, that may not be possible. The war is far more than just pure-blood prejudice now. It stems as far back as Ignotus's time, and deals a great level of knowledge towards why all the humanoid races became enemies to wizards rather than remaining their allies."

Kaia seemed concerned, "How so?"

"You don't know this or I assume that you don't, but supposedly when I was born; there was a prophecy made of me and it foretold of me having a power our resident dark lord knew nothing of. This power I was said to have would vanquish him and we would fight the other until one of us died. It was said that neither of us could live our life if the other was alive." Harry said hesitantly

Tanek and Kaia were shocked by this news.

"However, the prophecy for which I trained under to accomplish my destiny turned out to be false and I was armed with the knowledge earlier than I suspect I was supposed to be. I may be seventeen now, and maybe I haven't acted before because I had no true reasoning to do so; but, I have always wondered upon the truth of the prophecy or its accuracy. I have known deep down within me for years that the prediction might be false, but I waited and watched for any indications my beliefs were divided or untrue.

The one who made this false prediction was hired by another to do so. This set the path of the dark lord that he took, and consequently; my parents were the victims to his now unintended wrath." Harry eyed the table, "Not to say they wouldn't have been targeted; because they would have. They had been fighting against him before I ever came into this picture. I do not know, however, if this would have remained the same if they found out of the knowledge I have at this moment."

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