Chapter 8: Regret and Resentment

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Narrator's POV

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Narrator's POV

As you kept running, now next to Felix and Siyeon, you all kept running toward the second floor and as soon as you opened the door, you saw....

You saw as those blood sucking vampires sucked the life out of her.

Was that the sacrifice you had to do?

For them to stay alive? How selfish.

And as soon as you made eye contact with them, you knew that those faces were going to be the last thing that you would see.

You smirked at them, no matter what would happen, you'd get your revenge. You weren't going to give up, so easily?

No, you didn't think so.

As they came closer and closer to you, you didn't move, not even an inch. You were so accepting of this fate, this cruel destiny that man pushed towards you.

As you knew, that this wasn't going to be the end.

Rather that if you'd be dead or not, this wasn't going to be the ending of this war.

You just made enemies with these vampires and you had every mean to eradicate them. No matter what you had to give, no matter what you'd take had to take.

You closed your eyes, awaiting death's arrival, the door bell ringing into your ear.

Suddenly, you heard a big thump.

You opened the your eyes, to find yourself behind the back of someone.

That someone being Felix.

"What the...!"

"I guess you're not much of a coward anymore, huh." He took a slight glance towards you and smiled.

The vampires just scoffed, two for one!

Felix looking back towards them and threw them a glare. What was he planning to do? There was nothing he could do about this, no one knew what these creatures were truly capable of.

Although what we do know is that they're capable of writing very confusing poetry, for whatever reason.

"What do we do?!" you whisper screamed.

"I don't know." he whispered back.

"Are you kidding me?! Did you just come here with no absolute plan?!" You groaned, although he acted very smart, he was in fact, very stupid.

A man with no plan, is a dead man. For this is the perfect example of it.

And that's when, Siyeon suddenly slightly opened the door, shocked to find out all of this at once.

In an instant, you heard a gun shot, after that one gunshot, you kept hearing more and more gun shots, back to back.

You immediately fell towards the floor, covering your ears and trying to block such alarming sounds, as best as you could.

You looked up, it was Felix, whom which had a gun and was firing it towards everyone, but you could see the men, the vampires still breathing just fine.

"How?!" you whispered towards yourself, realizing it takes a lot more than bullets for these vampires to perish.

Suddenly, as you were thinking all of these thoughts, Felix impulsively took the decision to take your hand and just book it, leaving Siyeon alone, just like that.

"NO!!" You kept screaming, begging him to stop, you couldn't leave her, you'd never forgive yourself if you left someone like her rotting in hell like that.

But he wouldn't listen to you, he kept running away, as you could still hear Siyeon's screams, her cries for help.

You glanced back and saw as Siyeon's hand reaching out for yours, begging for mercy, trembling out for you, reaching out to you.

But you couldn't do anything, you couldn't help her, comfort her, be there for her in her last moments of living.

You couldn't save her, but you were the one who had brought her, to this party of the abyss, where nothing but tears and regrets laid.

Tears fell down, tears of regrets and revenge leaving out of your body. You reassured yourself you'd get your vengeance, promising that you'd do everything in your power to make them suffer, suffer like you have and will.

You killed off the man who cursed this cruel destiny of yours, and now you'll kill off the ones who took everything from you, the ones who took the lives of people whom were all searching for something better in their life, only to find death at their door, earlier than they expected.

The ones who only kill people off for their pleasure, just like that man and just like many before them.

You swore you'd kill off every single one of their kinds, even if it meant you'd be named as one of them, you'd be named as the one thing you swore you'd destroy.

Siyeon's cries, tears of betrayal still boomed in your head and you knew, they'd torment you for the rest of your life.

Not until you eradicate those men first, then you'll finally make the world clean again,you'll make your mind clean, clean from those thoughts, your mind will finally be in peace.

But not for the time being, you'll forever have some sort of resentment towards Felix, as you didn't care if you both died in the process, you'd rather die than just standing there doing nothing.

You both kept running, not knowing where to go, at the end of the hallway, only a window stood tall.

Felix turned around to look at you, fear both overtaking your brains, panic running through your muscles and fright being injected into your veins.

That's when Felix looked down and said with a low tone:

"Y/N, we have to jump."

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