Chapter 38: Well, I Guess This Is My Life Now

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You could feel your body being carried, as you tried to kick and scream, even though you knew it was no use

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You could feel your body being carried, as you tried to kick and scream, even though you knew it was no use.

"Was this all really necessary? We literally just could've done this since the beginning, I don't get why we had to do this whole thing just for this exact moment." you could hear Sunoo commenting, as some heavy steps could then be heard.

"Why don't we just kill them now? That'll save us a couple decades without interruptions." your heart suddenly stopped beating, quickly falling towards the bottom of your stomach.

"Do you think that's the purpose of all of this, Sunoo? If I really wanted to kill Y/N, I would've done it the moment I saw them." Sunghoon hissed, while you started to notice that all of their steps were starting to turn faster and faster.

"Then what are we going to use them as? What's the purpose of all of this then?!"

"We're going to test something." your ears were immediately intrigued by what this "testing" would mean for you, for as soon as you heard Jungwon's words, your anxiety started to sky rocket.

"Let's see if those friends of theirs can sacrifice so much just for the life of their teammate." your body was then suddenly thrown onto something, before being forced to sat down and once a few seconds passed by, you could hear an engine starting.

"Jake, do you even know how to drive a car? Where did you even find this?" Ni-ki teased, chuckling at what you believed to be, but were not sure of, Jake's reaction to his mocking of his car skills.

"To be completely honest with you...I don't even know how to drive this thing."

"WHAT?!" you shouted loud enough for the seven vampires to hear and even understand you, even with that cloth that was shoved right into your mouth.

"GIVE ME THAT-" you basically threw yourself towards the front sent, flapping around like a fish who just got out of the sea, begging to at least be taken of the blindfold and once they finally gave in and removed your blindfold and the piece of fabric stuck to your mouth, you let out a huge sigh of relief.

"I am NOT going to be in the same car as someone who can't drive as the driver, at least give ME the wheel!!" although it sounded absolutely stupid and crazy the fact of you driving your own kidnappers to their home, you'd rather have that than be driven around by a lunatic who doesn't even know how drive.

"And why should we do that?" Jay spoke out loud, catching you a bit off guard.

"You'd rather risk your lives in a car accident or have me, someone who actually DOES have a license, drive you home?" they all looked in between themselves, whispering a couple of words before finally deciding to allow you to drive; You happily took the wheel and started to drive.

"If you dare try to fool us by doing-" Sunoo was still feeling a bit apprehensive by you taking the wheel, but you still tried to ignore it.

"They won't, that's not even the first thing on their mind." announced Jay, who didn't even look back towards the rest and just kept gazing upon the many stars by the window.

"See!! Take it from the mind reader himself!!"

"Oh and by the way, does anyone have a GPS I can use?" they all started to look at you with weird, confused eyes as you looked at them nonchalantly.

"A what?" Sunghoon asked, still having that expression on his face.

"A GPS, you know, like a digital map that- OH MY F*CKING GOD YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A GPS IS?!" you gasped, feeling more afraid of the crazy men who don't know what a GPS is, than the vampires who drink human blood like it's a milkshake.

"DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT'S A CELLPHONE?!" they all shook their heads, as your eyes widened so much that you felt like if they were going to pop out of your head.

"You guys have been missing out on so many what do you guys even do then?!"

"Read." answered Jay, which once he did, you started to roll your eyes, feeling so sorry for those guys.

"That's it, none of you talk to me for the whole entire ride."

"...Wait but tell me where I need to go though-"





Many and I say MANY hours (and trees!!) later, you finally arrived to their... very humble abode. In front of you stood tall, a huge and what you would call as an over the top mansion, that was filled with so many decorations and nice scenery.

A huge step up from the last mansion, you'd say, even with how excessive it looked.

As soon as you unlocked the doors, Jungwon forced you out of the car, with you only being able to comply with how weak you were compared to his unexplainable strength.

"Okay, okay!! I'm stepping out of the car!! Jesus you don't have to be so harsh!!" sometime after everyone got off, you all went towards the door, with Jungwon unlocking it to reveal...

A beautiful, stunning room filled with expensive furniture and dizzying candles that lit up the entire, what you liked to call it as, lounge. All you could do was stare in absolute awe at the old timey mansion that felt like if it came from a fairytale.

"Sunoo designed it himself." Ni-ki whispered into your ear, as Sunoo over this place proudly, while a chuckle escaped your lips before you realized...

Y/N, what the absolute f*ck are you doing?! Laughing and having fun while being kidnapped by the monsters who brutally took the life of your vampire.


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