Chapter 34: Don't Give Me Hope

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"Ni-ki...? What are you doing here?! Shouldn't you be at the-" that's when you had realized that the guy who you were talking to was able to teleport to wherever he most pleases.

"I was instructed to take care of you for a few days, since the day you fainted actually...which was around two days ago." the memories of the incident were starting to come back to you like a sudden flash, making you completely freak out while pulling him off of you.

"TWO DAYS AGO?! WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE-" that was when you had also realized that guy wasn't really there to help you out in any way and was actually just there to take you down, a fact that you couldn't believe you had forgotten, but decided to just blame the forgetfulness from the exhaustion.

You just couldn't believe the fact that you were so exhausted and sleep deprived that you had slept for such a long period of time.

"Ni-ki...where are we? Is this your home?" you started to look around the place, feeling a bit frightened by the door that stood in front of you, it's presence giving you a sort of guilty feeling inside of you, like if you shouldn't disturb it and let it be.

"Not anymore, I'd hate living here again." he shuddered, while trying to find the exit door out of this creepy home and once he did, he signaled you to come and follow him, which you decided to follow as it was really your only option.

"So you decided to move?" you asked, trying to make conversation while walking through the endless forest together.

"We had too, it was impossible for us to live in such house."

" doesn't look THAT bad to me." you looked back to gaze at the mansion that was starting tinier and tinier with each step you'd take. If you had to live in such place, you'd feel a bit creeped out by the scary aura the place had, but other than that, it wouldn't be so bad.

It was a mansion filled with rooms to explore, you wouldn't be able to complain.

He only chuckled at you, focusing on which route you two were taking next. You couldn't really do much except breaking the deadly silence between you two, even though you hated the man with a burning passion, you also hated pointless silence.

A small part of you was also hoping in the fact that he would soften up to you and tell you things that would help you stab them in the back. You had a feeling that he would be the perfect target to get information out of.

That running lost of hope was still inside of you, yet that determination had been there all along.

It just wasn't about to give up so easily.

If you couldn't die alongside Siyeon and the rest of the victims, you were going to die for them.

That way, the endless guilt that's in your heart would stop beating.

"Are we there yet? How long do we have to walk to find the civilization?!" you groaned, having to basically drag your feet to keep moving forward, while he was completely fine.

"You're funny Y/N, you say you hate us but then you start to act like buddy-buddy with us...why hate us when you like our company?"

"You can't live without us." you gazed back at him with a weird and disgusted look on your face, wondering what he truly meant by that.

"Why did they even choose you to care of me...I can take care of myself!! The only thing that I should be afraid of is you!!"

"You're right, you should be afraid of me...but you aren't and you'll probably never will, so you'd rather hate me and the rest instead." he was just speaking absolute gibberish to your ears. You just couldn't understand the deal with vampires and saying nonsense.

"I hate you for what you did to us, for what you did to Siyeon." you explained in very serious tone, looking at him dead in the eye and acting like if he was completely stupid. He should've known by now what was eating up your remorse and turning it into hatred. If that had never happened, you'd never feel any personal loathing towards them, just general dislike and hostility to the things that are destroying the human population.

"And for the fact that you probably don't regret it either nor care about how much she meant to me."

"Do you really believe in the fact that she's dead? Or is that what you humans want to believe?" he scoffed, seeming almost flabbergasted at your words, yet also laughing at you. You were sure he was making fun of your sorrow and agony, mocking you for your weak heart.

The one that they can never have, or at least that's what you wanted to believe.

"Don't say that...Don't f*cking say that!! Don't give me hope, don't tell me she's not dead!! She should be up in wherever she desires, living her life as the way she wanted to...FREE!! Not under the disposal of you monsters!!!" you knew too well, that she'd rather be dead be under someone else's order. Living for someone else to thrive was nothing of what you wanted for her.

He kneeled down towards you, tying your shoe while having a slightly titled head and a small, assuring-your-happiness grin on his face.

"I can't do's like if you put a curse on us, we just can't escape you and your words." his secure and reliable smile slowly turned into a barely holding on expression on his face, which you knew was very meaningful for him.

"What? What can't you do?! Kill me?!"

"I can't hate you, I don't hate you, nor can I blame you for anything you've done."

"I won't kill you Y/N...I don't care whether or not you'll kill me, death doesn't scare me anymore, but I know the rest won't be so happy about that."

"Ni-ki, why do you care so much about me? You only know so much." the bond that the two of you were starting to feel for each other, just barely knowing each other, was starting to scare you. How you were starting to get extremely familiar with this vampires while barely knowing them, how you were starting to feel guilty and afraid in their presence, yet this odd feeling of assuredness around them.

How the f*ck were you feeling safe around the bloodsuckers that brutally murdered your best friend?! Even if this man was giving you mixed signals about Siyeon's state and suvival, how could you trust him?

"I can't tell you just yet, but one day I promise I'll come back and tell you everything, but for now, it's best that you stay like this."

"Keep on hating us, it's for the best."

This day should've never existed, with it's overcomplicated feelings overturning and confusing both of you two, not knowing what to feel about each other in such a short amount of time.

Nor what the others might think of the both of you.

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