Chapter 45: Vampires + Mafia Game = Absolute Chaos

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His eyes lit up as soon as you said some words, his smile increasing ever so slightly, yet the difference was surely there

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His eyes lit up as soon as you said some words, his smile increasing ever so slightly, yet the difference was surely there.

"Really?! You really mean that?!"

"Well if I didn't, I wouldn't have said it." he happily intertwined your arms, as he skipped around the hallways and towards the living room, before you both were being greeted by a bunch of screaming and complains.

"I told you he was the mafia!! Didn't you see how suspicious he was acting?!" Heeseung groaned, sinking deeper into the couch, while having a sulky look on his face.

"YOU'RE JUST SAYING THAT BECAUSE YOU'RE STILL SALTY OF THE FACT THAT HE ACCUSED YOU OF BEING THE MAFIA LAST TIME!!" exposed Sunoo, while rolling his eyes at how Heeseung was acting because the citizens had lost.


"FOR THE LAST TIME HEESEUNG, I'M SORRY FOR ACCUSING AS THE MAFIA, BUT THAT'S JUST HOW THE GAME GOES!!!" Jake frustratedly yelled, having to always hear the same complaint every time they'd play the stupid mafia game. This is why he didn't even want to play the game in the first place, but the rest forced him always.

"IT'S BEEN A DECADE SINCE THAT INCIDENT!! A FULL ONE HUNDRED YEARS!! GET OVER IT ALREADY!!" screamed Jungwon, wondering how the hell could Heeseung so spiteful to able to hold such grudge for over a decade...and counting!!

"YA!!" you let out one of your most famous screams, recognized as the most loudest and "most likely to make ears bleed" screams that the vampire home had ever heard. Everyone kept giving you weird side eyes and looks, but you didn't care, as you got what you wanted.

Their attention.

"Don't you know that once you get emotional, you lose?!"

God, I wonder where I've heard that phrase from-

God, I wonder where I've heard that phrase from-

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I rlly wonder man-

"Or do you guys not know how to play mafia?!" you kept scolding them on how that was the number one rule when playing mafia, like a sort of mother, you kept arguing on how could someone as wise as them, as they've lived for much, much more longer than you, would hold a grudge for such a long time, for over one stupid game?!

"And who are you to tell us how to play?! We've played far more mafia games than you have anyway!!" Sunghoon scoffed in absolute pettiness, as you gave him a small glare, rolling your eyes at his comment.

"Yea, you're right, but don't take it from me...take it from SEVENTEEN, AKA the Mafia prodigies themselves!!"

"Who's turning seventeen...?" quietly asked Ni-ki, as a loud gasp escaped your mouth, feeling absolutely embarrassed and shocked that none of these guys know who are SEVENTEEN. Your CARAT heart was absolutely shattered and infuriated...guess who was going to have to teach these vampires how to stream and stan SEVENTEEN?


"Well if we're breathing right now as we currently speak, then yea I'd consider this as living." Sunghoon sassed, trying to use logic and common sense to talk back to you..but there was no time for that.

"How could guys not know who SEVENTEEN is?! They're one of the best boy groups like...EVER!!"

"SCOUPS IS LITERALLY THE STANDARD!!" they kept gazing back at you like if you were out of your god damn and you were...for SCOUPS~~ No matter how crazy you were or how crazy you could be, you'd never be so lunatic to not like Scoups or SEVENTEEN anymore.

"Just...look, whatever!! Just continue playing your stupid game!!" you were flushed red in embarrassment for going on a tangent about Scoups and how perfect he was...but hey, maybe you could've gotten their vampires friends to stream and stan them...if they have anymore vampires friends, other than themselves.

Well seven CARATS are better than no CARATS!!

"Y/N!! Why don't you come and join us?" you were about to leave right towards your room, before Ni-ki tried to invited once more to come and socialize with his friends, his friends that looked visibly uncomfortable and awkward around me.

And as you were about to say no, you looked at Sunghoon's face and watched as he looked at Ni-ki and you in infuriation. You knew that he didn't want you there and he was taking what he said very seriously...which only made you want to anger him even more.

"Sure, why not? I have nothing better to do anyways." you could sense a smirk coming at the corner of your mouth, but you tried to remain your composure.

This going to be fun.


Jake decided to take the role as the spokesperson, announcing when someone had died or when the mafia should strike their terror. This meant that he was also the one who was meant to give out the roles to everyone and he decided to make this as extra chaotic as he could.

The lineup for the roles of the two mafias, the police officer and the doctor was just waiting to reck havoc.

I'm going to have you guys follow along and guess who's the mafia :)))

As soon as everyone opened their eyes, you all immediately started to suspect each other, while Jake tried his best to not even making one giggle, which by the way was extremely hard for him.

"Oh? Y/N, you seem a bit suspicious!!" Heeseung narrowed his eyes as he kept looking at you up and down, as a scoff escaped your lips once again.

"YA! The one who always attacks another person is usually the mafia you know!! So YOU'RE acting a bit suspicious, whatever your last name is, HEESEUNG!!"


"No...I think you should change your name LE SUSPECT, BECAUSE YOU SIR, ARE THE MAFIA!!" you heavily blinked your eyes at Jay, who just made the worst joke possible, honestly you weren't even sure if it was a joke at this point, with how serious he looked saying such a stupidity.

You didn't realize it, but you're nose was naturally scrunching at the cringe.

"Your face even looks like a Mafia!! Look he got the eyes, nose and mouth of one!!" the rest of the vampires were speaking between themselves, agreeing with him completely.

"YA!! YOU GUYS HAVEN'T EVEN INTRODUCED YOURSELVES!!" Jake shouted, wondering what the f*ck was going on here. You guys had barely started and you all were already causing trouble!!

"Okay, lets introduce ourselves, starting from Y/N." Jungwon stated, while you could sense his hesitation in starting from you...but it was either that or starting from Heeseung, which was a no go.

" name is L/N Y/N and I'm the mafia."


Honestly this chapter was pretty hard to write, as all the videos I've seen of people playing the game just play it wrong or just fight in the most random moments over the most stupidest thing.


So if I got something wrong...ignore it and just continue on with the story heh.

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