Chapter 40: The Angry Matching Couple

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Then, a sudden noise appeared, startling you while also knocking some sense into you, turning you back into your old self, as you started to focus on the situation that you were currently stuck in

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Then, a sudden noise appeared, startling you while also knocking some sense into you, turning you back into your old self, as you started to focus on the situation that you were currently stuck in.

The noise started again, this time with you noticing that it is some knocking on the door, the door that you were currently in front of. You quickly stood out of the way, quickly wiping your tears away, tears that had already fallen into the pages of such notebook that you quickly threw and hid under the mattress.

"Y/N? Are you feeling alright?" Ni-ki quietly asked, like if he was trying not to be disturb anyone, even though it was already eight in the morning.

"Other than the fact that I'm literally bored to death and was taken to this place against my will...I'm completely okay."

"Why do you ask?"

"I was just worried you might be mad at me."

"Why would I be mad at you, Ni-ki? You've been nothing but a sweetheart to me." you casually said, not realizing what those really meant for him...and what should've meant for you.

You should've hated him, but you just couldn't...and you couldn't really understand why.

He gave you a slight smile, chuckling a bit, all while acting a bit shy towards you, which made you burst out laughing by how cute he was suddenly acting around you.

"I thought you would kick and scream when I opened the door, but you didn't, you were, and still are, surprisingly calm by all of this."

"Yea, I'm not really sure why I'm so calm about this either...I think it's the fact that I know I'll be okay...or at least alive." What had that notebook done to you to act so casual and basically spill your mind and heart out towards him? What had such thing done for you to forget everything you wrote before?

And what happened to the fact of you saying you were probably going to die in this house because of those monsters?! Was that just a lie?!

Was it the fact that Dami and the rest weren't here to judge you or comment about your closeness and fondness about the apparent murder of Siyeon.

Gosh...the "apparent" murder? Y/N, what had gotten into you?! Are you really believing in these filthy vampires words?!

"I think it's the fact that Sunghoon promised me that I'd be okay."

"I just don't think a cold person like him would make a promise like that, if it wasn't true...or at least that's what I want and choose to believe in, to stay positive through out this." his smile slowly turned into a sad frown, with a frightened brow, something that was quite difficult to actually to explain.

"You're right, he wouldn't say that." you throughly believed that he felt forced to say such answer, which sort of scared you, but you chose to ignore it, trying to think that it was just in your head.

But, curiosity kept leading you on, just like on that day, but this time, it was for a completely different reason.

"What's up with Sunghoon? Why is he so...different from the rest of you?" not really being sure why exactly you were so curious about him and knowing fully well that curiosity was going to leave you towards a dark place, like many others had warned you, you just couldn't stop yourself at this point.

It was like if you were meant to be go on such a chaotic path; If you were like this, was it supposed to happen? You just didn't know anymore, you're life was slowly being flipped upside down, thanks to these vampires.

Not knowing what to think, was a feeling that you didn't know how to explain, as you couldn't think it through to enough to describe it.


"What do you mean by that?" he questioned, as he started to get comfortable in your room, even sitting down on your bed and all, while you still stood on the floor.

"Why he's so cold, why he's so odd, why he's so...him."

"Y/N." Ni-ki steadily walked up towards you, went down towards your level and once again tied your shoe laces.

"Trust me on this, you don't want to find out."

"Why should I? Why shouldn't I know about this?! All you've been doing this whole time I've met you is say a bunch of nonsense and once I start to question you guys for it, you all shut me down!!"

"Why?! Why?! Just why?!" you screamed, quickly standing up on your feet, during the same time that he started to shush you and beg you to stay quiet.

"I'm not f*cking shutting up until you tell me why Ni-ki!! I'm done playing your stupid vampire games and your stupid riddles that sound like they've been last used over a hundred years ago-" That's when the door suddenly sprang open, revealing a tired Jay and an exhausted Heeseung who had a bone to pick with you. They both wore some matching, blue silk bunny pajamas matched with some white bunny slippers.

"WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU SCREAMING AT EIGHT IN THE MORNING?! DON'T YOU KNOW SOMETHING CALLED VAMPIRE DECENCY?! OR ARE ALL HUMANS THESE DAYS SO RUDE?!" shouted Heeseung at the top of his lungs, sounding much more louder than you had originally had been.

"Well if it wasn't for- wait a minute...WHAT THE ACTUAL F*CK!!" you turned around to try and blame it on Ni-ki, only to be met with a gust of wind that came from the slightly open window.

"Look..." you slowly turned around the face the angry matching couple, having a cheeky and awkward smile on you face.

"I swear, Ni-ki was the one who started it!! He literally-"

"Oh so now you want to put the blame on Ni-ki?! He may be a bit of a prankster, but this would be a new low for him!! And plus, Ni-ki would NEVER wake up at eight in the morning, especially not for YOU." you were not kidnapped to just be insulted and ridiculed by a cranky vampire who apparently didn't get enough beauty sleep.

"So low." Jay spoke out, while shaking his head in disapproval, which made you even more frustrated, but you decided to just ignore it and just apologize EVEN THOUGH YOU HAD DONE NOTHING WRONG-

"Look I'm sorry, just go back to sleep and we'll pretend this never happened-"

"Why the f*ck are you all yelling at the eight in the f*cking morning?! Can't you see I'm trying to get some beauty sleep?! Do you think I can afford wrinkles being formed on this face of mine?!" loudly spoke out another vampire, Sunoo, from his bedroom, which was pretty close by but luckily not in front of yours, while wearing a dark velvet eye-mask which was barely above his puffy eyes.

"I've taken care of this face for over 400 hundred years and do you see any wrinkles on my face?!" there was an absolute silence, which just proved his point.

"That's what I thought!!"

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