Chapter 31: Misprint

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"Y/N? Can you go ahead and take a look at this?" one of your co-workers, Ryujin, had called you beforehand to take a look at some paperwork that had been misprinted, but you decided to run a couple of more important errands, thinking that she coul...

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"Y/N? Can you go ahead and take a look at this?" one of your co-workers, Ryujin, had called you beforehand to take a look at some paperwork that had been misprinted, but you decided to run a couple of more important errands, thinking that she could just print the papers again or buy more ink.

You just didn't understand how a small misprint could be so important to disturb your work that was starting to pile up ever since of the vampires presence in this police station.

Ever since Felix's dad decided to take the responsibility of locking up the vampires in such a mediocre police headquarter, instead of putting them in quarantine, preventing any more lives from being in danger or risking everyone's safety, you'd been on high alert and had been watching their every move from the isolated cell they were stuck in.

"Y/N, I'm not f*cking joking. Do you think I'd be making a joke out of this?!" you weren't surprised at her language, since she had always had been like that before you had even gotten here. What you weren't sure, was that if she had it with you personally or she was just annoyed by everyone there.

At least from what Felix had said, she just despised the fact that you had gotten a promotion so quickly without having that much experience, while she had to basically fight for her promotions.

She hated the fact that you guys had no struggles to pass through with getting such jobs and getting promotions and compliments from his dad and even getting paid for all of your college expenses and still not being as "passionate" as she was about this job.

Unlike you four, she had suffered a lot to get where she was and had to suffer with college debt and not being able to get a job.

You honestly felt bad for her and tried to be as compassionate and helpful to her, yet you realized the best thing to do was just to leave her alone and just do what she told you to do, but this time you just didn't have time to hear her whining.

"Look at this sh*t, I'm not sure how the hell this happened, but I'm sure that had it do something with them." she threw some random papers all over your desks, as she crossed her arms and impatiently tapped her foot while you took a look at the papers and once you did, you furrowed your eyebrows and slammed the papers onto the desk.

"Only in blood we breathe? Enhypen?!" you yelled, while she looked at you with annoyed eyes, as you looked at the words that were written with blood on the paper.

"Do you now understand the extremity of this?! Do you now understand why this is so serious?!"

"Where did they get blood for this?!"

"That's the same question I'm asking!!" you felt so stunned at their sudden retaliation, their sudden message that they wanted everyone to see, you felt so shocked, that you decided to muster up all the courage you had in your body and go talk to them yourself.

Leaving Ryujin there alone, absolutely flabbergasted and speechless, you ran towards their not so protected cell, that was apparently the most safe cell that the whole station had, yet everyone else thought otherwise.

As you were running towards the cell, you bumped into a huge crowd that still kept forming , surrounding something. You decided to push yourself through to take a look at what it was, only to find the body of your fellow co-workers.

Shin Yuna, a police officer that had only started to work around the headquarters two weeks ago. From what you had known of her in those two weeks she had arrived, was that she was a bright and bubbly person, who always brought sunshine to the place just from her arrival.

She was already starting to become a pretty popular girl who had a young, aspiring future that was waiting ahead of her yet unfortunately was taken away.

Her body already looked like if it was starting to decompose, with the paleness of her skin and the many bite marks on her body that started to ooze some weird liquid already adding to the creepy aura. Her face looked scared, almost like if it had froze to that position, from the utmost fear she experienced.

Everyone knew who were to blame, but everyone felt too afraid to even confront them, except for you, of course.

Once you had arrived to their cell and as you were about to enter the passcode, you realized that the door had huge dent in the middle, like if someone had used their bare hands to force themselves out the door.

And that someone had to be none other than Jungwon himself.

You awkwardly squeezed yourself in and as you did, you made eye contact with the seven vampires who were just peacefully roaming around (out of their respective cells) like if they owned the place.

"Well what a surprise to see you again Y/N!! What brings you over here so soon?" asked Sunoo, acting like if nothing of what you had just seen had happened, making you even more agitated than you were originally.

"You didn't even bother saying hello to me from the mirror!!" Heesung teased, making you turn completely white from the shock of him knowing that you were behind the mirror during the whole interrogation room.

It felt so odd for you to know that you had learned all of their individual names so quickly, even though you weren't the best with remembering names...remembering anything really.

"Don't act like we're so close and don't act like you don't know what just happened back there." you coldly responded back, deciding to go straight towards the point, making Heesung look a bit upset.

"Why did you do it?! Why did you do that to Yuna?!"

"What type of question is that Y/N? Why did we decide to drink a person's blood?" Sunghoon scoffed while you gave him a glare on the eye, not caring whether or not it was a stupid question for him, you just wanted it answered immediately.

"Do you think we choose whether or not we want to drink blood? Do you really think it's a choice for us to make?!"

"Answer the f*cking question." you didn't want to hear that as the answer, you didn't want to feel bad for them, you didn't want to get close of them either.

All you wanted to do was to get rid of them as soon as possible, while not establishing a relationship with them in any way possible.

He let out a loud groan, while still looking at you with an annoyed expression on his face, just understanding why you couldn't comprehend such a simple thing.

"Did you ever even try to research about her? If you did, you would've known that she was working against the government and with a mafia group that's rioting against you specifically." you let out a loud gasp as you covered your mouth, while he rolled his eyes.

"Maybe next time you should just shut your pretty mouth and be thankful for once."

The last thing that they would see after that day was you turning your back, absolutely infuriated and in rage, and storming off and towards your desk.

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