Chapter 25

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When the nurses came running to the waiting room and telling the doctor "doctor Jones your in need in room 148 she has stopped berthing"

wait isn't jess in room 148?

Jess POV


That was all I see around me. Dose that mean that I'm dead as the man that I once thought that I loved with all my heart killed me?

Ok maybe that was all a nightmare and i will wake up next to Harry and in four moths I will have are baby. And we would live happily ever after. All I need to do is wake up. Ok jess open your eyes now but nothing happen.

Ok let's try that again.

Still nothing.

After trying to open my eyes over and over again nothing happen. "Hello jess," a voice said "how's there?" I said back "oh jess don't tell me you don't even remember your own wolf?? As it really been that long sence the last time we talked??" The voice asked

wait wolf!?!

"What do you mean wolf??" I asked back. All there was silence the voice was gone.

Just then I could feel it getting harder to breath until I felt myself take one more breath then I was gone.

I love you Harry forever and always. take care of our baby. Never forget about me.


Hey guys!!!! Don't hate me for ending this chapter like this I'm really sorry for killing jess BUT this book isn't over yet.

I hope you like this chapter tell me what you think of it please :).

Guess what!?!?! IM 15 NOW!!!!

Sorry it took me like forever to update i have one exquis SCHOOL! god I can't wait till this school year is over!

QOTD: when do you guys get sprig break??

If you are already on yours than you are supper lucky. I don't go on mine till the first full week of April :(. -joy


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