Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Jess POV

"MollyKate is that you?" i asked "oh my god Jess i've missed you so munch" MollyKate said giving me a hug "wait you guys know each other?" i heard Niall say i forgot that he was even here "yeah Jess and are best friends" MollyKate said "what happened Jess i haven't heard from you in what like forever your family has been worried sick" MollyKate said "um i will tell you everything after breakfast" i said walking into the kitchen

*after breakfast*

i really hope MollyKate forgot that i told her that i will tell her everything right now harry and i are in the kitchen cleaning up "so how do you like MollyKate?" i asked harry "shes cool i know that Niall really likes her" harry said "yeah" i said looking at them "so Jess are you going to tell me what happened?" MollyKate said walking into the kitchen oh no here we go "oh that um yeah um I'm just going to finish cleaning real quite" i said next thing i know is that I'm being pulled into one of the boys room "i what you to tell me what happened right now!" MollyKate said i singed knowing that there was no way getting out from telling her 

after i told her what happened she hugged me but i didn't say anything about the boys being vampires she will think that I'm crazy. are hug was interrupted by MollyKates phone ringing "hello oh my god i will be right there" she hang up the phone "i have to go" she said  getting up "please don't tell anyone what happened" i said "fine but you need to call your family" was all she then walked out of the room and left.

"um harry do you think i can have my phone back just so i can call my family?" i asked "yeah here" he said giving me my phone. i called my mom i just hope that she will pick up 


"mom its Jess"

"oh my god Jess what happen i haven't heard from you for two month's"

"i know and I'm sorry. how is everything going?" 

"good everything is going good we miss you a lot" 

" i miss you all to" 

"hey babe the boys and i are going out for a little" i heard harry say 

"who was that?"  

"oh that it was just my boyfriend" 


"yes mom look i have to go but i'll try to call you back soon" 

"ok bye love you Jess"

"bye love you to mom" 

i hanged up my phone and just laid on Harry's and i bed and feel asleep.


HEY!!!! so what do you guys think about the chapter?? -joy



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