Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Jess POV

I woke up next to a sleeping harry the memories from last night replayed in my head I couldn't help but to smile. I just stared at Harry looking at how peaceful he looked "like what you see?" Harry asked "no....I'm loving what I see" I said giving harry a kiss on the lips then got off of the bed then ran to the closet then got dressed into some of Harry's sweatpants and one of his t-shirts and put my hair in a messy bun I walked into Harry's and I room to see harry still in bed "Harry get out of bed" I said "but I don't what to" he said "we'll I'm going to make something for breckfest so you can stay here if you what" I said starting to walk out of our room "fine" Harry said getting out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen just then all of the boys came inside "hey guys how was your night?" I said "good what did you and Harry do?" Liam asked I could feel my face heating up "um we where just watching tv all night" I said hoping that they couldn't tell that I was lying "really you were just watching tv that's all you guys did??" Louis asked oh no just then harry came into the kitchen "hey guys" Harry said "I'm going to start to cook something to eat" I said "oh Jess can you make some food for a extra person?" Niall asked "Yeah who's coming?" I asked "thanks I got to go get her now" Niall said walking out of the door.

I just finished cooking some pancakes just in time Niall came back from picking up someone "Jess I what you to meet someone" Niall said I made my way to the living room to see someone that I thought that I would never get to see again.


Here is chapter 16!!! Hope you liked this chapter. Please tell me what you think about this chapter :) thanks so munch for reading my book it really means a lot to me!! -joy



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