chapter 22

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chapter 22

Harry's pov

i woke up alone in bed god i miss Jess i have been getting really weak i don't eat i am ether outside looking for Jess or in Jess and my room I've been depress for these pass five weeks. niall been that same way as me. we have done everything we could to find Jess and mollykate but we haven't found anything yet. 

"harry niall come downstares right now!"

i heard liam said when i made niall was already there and the boys were siting in front of the tv with wide eyes "whats wrong guys?"

i said as i made my way so i could see the tv once i saw what was on the tv i couldn't believe my eyes on the tv was Jess which you couldn't even tell that was Jess she was all beaten up had to black eyes and had cuts on her face and was passed out. 

"if you ever what to see your little mate again then come to west London street tomorrow at 9:00 p.m and if you don't come then your mates and your little baby will be killed," said the guy on the video said 

 call everyone we are gonna get Jess and mollykate back tomorrow.


hey guys i know this is a really bad and short chapter and that i haven't updated for so long but i have been super busy with homework like i really wish that this school year was over i am just so done with homework. 

how are you guys doing? what is everybody doing for Thanksgiving? I'm just gonna stay home and cook all morning then watch football the rest of the day. 

so I'm thinking that i am only going to have three or four more chapters in this book so if you what me to do a second book you have to comment or message me. 

i will try to update a lot more. thank you to everyone who reads my books it means a lot to me :) 

- joy mondrago'n  

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