Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Jess POV

when harry and I made are way to the living room to see the guys watching Toy Story 3 "ok wow I have never seen four grown boys watching Toy Story" I said "ok first of all we are not boys we are men and second we did not what to watch Toy Story Liam is the one that wonted to watch it so that is why we are watching it" Louis said "fine whatever are we going now or are we going to finish watching Toy Story?" I asked " we are going to finish watching the movie if you like it or not so sit down and be quite" Liam said "dose that answer your question?" Harry asked I nodded.

harry and I made are way to the couch to find that there is only one seat left. Harry sat on the couch so I was going to sit on the floor but before I could someone wrapped their arms around my whist and pulled me on their there laps when I turned around I saw Harry, I snuggled into him. I liked the feeling close to him I always feel safe when I'm with him.

half way into the movie I started feeling sleepy my eyes will start closing and I have to try to keep them open "baby you can go to sleep I will wake you up when we get back to the house" I herd harry say "ok" was all I said and I let my eyes close.

Harry POV

I looked at Jess to see her eyes closing and opening "baby you can go to sleep I will wake you up when we get back to the house" I said "ok" Jess said with that I saw her eyes close. I ended up falling asleep to.

I felt someone shaking me when I opened my eyes I saw Liam standing in front of me "is the movie over already" I asked "yes Harry its over now come on man we got to go now its getting late, the guys are already at the house" Liam said "late?? what time is it?" I asked "its almost eighth, now I will get jess stuff and you can carry her to the car" Liam said "yeah I will" I said with that I got up trying not to wake up Jess and walked to the car then got in then Liam came out of jess flat and putted her stuff in the boot of the car the got in and started driving. when we got back to the house I carried jess in side then walked to my room and putted her on my bed then toke off my shirt and pants so I was only in my boxers then goy in bed with jess, and pulled her close to me "goodnight baby" I said then kissed her head. then feel asleep.



ok so I do this chapter twice because when I was doing it the first time are power went out so I had to do it all over :( so how are you guys doing? hope you had a good weekend :) so do you guys have anything planed for SUMMER? I think I'm just going to go to New Mexico to see some of my family I think that's all I'm going to do really oh and I might have to do summer school :'( tell me if you what to be in the book or if you have any idea for the book so message me!!! :) 'May 4 be with you' for all of you star wars fans!!!! :) -Joy



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