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I love you harry forever and always. Take care of our baby. Never forget about me.

Third person pov

     As harry saw jess take her last breath he knew that there was only one thing he could do to save he's mate and bring her back to live. "I have to do it" harry said to himself "we'll be outside" zayn said patting harry on his back as everybody made their way out of the hospitable room. As harry looking at jess lifeless body he didn't even know he was crying until he felt tears rolling down his face.

     Harry turned jess head to the side so that he had a good view of her neck and where his mark was. as harry started to kiss the mark a couple of times he let he's fangs grow before he bit her he whispered "I'm sorry" then he bit her leaving his fangs inside of her long enough to turn her into one of them. When harry then took his fangs out he sat on the hospital bed next to jess putting some of her hair behind her ear while telling her "you will be better soon baby I promise" harry then kissed her forehead. When harry was about to go and tell everybody that it was done he took one look at jess but what he didn't expect was that jess had blue light glowing around of her. Harry then ran back next to her side and started to shake her to wake up cause all he knows is that when you turn you shouldn't have light glowing around of you.

     After ten minutes of trying to wake jess up her eyes finally opened jess took a deep breath. When she looked around the room she saw everybody in the room looking at her in awe when she looked to the left where harry was standing jess was then attacked by a bear hug by her one and only mate. While they were hugging jess felt tears on her neck she realized that harry was crying jess then hugged harry tighter if that was even possible and let out a sob that she didn't realize she was holding in. jess then remembered her baby. "my baby where is my baby!??" jess asked while looking around the room hoping for someone to answer her question and that it wouldn't be bad news "jess" harry said getting her attention "our baby is fine he's alive and healthy" harry told her "he? I had a boy! Can I see him??" jess asked with excitement in her voice.

     When the nurse came into Jess's room pushing one of those bed things that carry a new born (a/n I don't know what they're called lol) toured jess bed. When jess saw how small her baby boy was she couldn't believe her eyes he has Harry's nurse, mouth, and he even head full of curly brown hair just like his daddy the only thing he had from his mom is his eyes. He was wrapped up all in a blue pjs with a dinosaur on it and a matching Bennie.

     As jess pick up her new born baby she couldn't help but to cry again but this time her tears where happy tears. "what are you guys got to name him??" niall asked as the new parents looked at each other they both knew what they were going to name their new born son "Andrew Braden Styles" harry told everyone.

     And that is how the Styles family started out. Yes they went through hell but at the end of the day they are always together. They are just like any family in this world. Harry has taught jess that it is ok to love again and not to focus on the past but to focus on what's coming ahead of them.

The End

And that is the end of love again I hope you guys like how the story ended. I want to thank everyone who has been there through this book it really means a lot to me. Just to let everyone know I won't be putting up any new stories on here I'm just going to focus on editing both of my books this summer. Thank you again to everyone you guy us are the best! -joy

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