Chapter 9 part 1

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Jess POV

its been three hours sense my dad was here and i have to start getting ready for Harry's and i 'date' i toke a shower when i was done i got dressed and did my hair like {ugighgyihvvcyufg} when i was done i did my eye makeup i don't like having face makeup on so i just do my eyes. when i was done there was a knocked on the door when i opened the door to see Harry there wearing back skinny's and a white t-shirt "are you ready to go?" Harry asked "yeah" i said "you look beautiful Jess" he said "thank you, you don't look bad yourself" i said smelling at him. we made are way down stares and the other boys where no where "the boys are at there mates house" Harry said i just nodded my head we made are way to Harry's car "so where are you taking me?" i asked "I'm not going to tell you but you can go to sleep it a hour drive" Harry said "okay" i said that was the least thing before i fell asleep. 


OK i know it is vary short but at lest it a update I'm really sorry. 

i NEED two people to be Liams and Nialls mate so PLEASE message me i need it before next Saturday if i don't get anyone then i don't know if they are going to have a mate. do you guys get to see one direction and 5 seconds of summer on the WWA tour?? I'm not *sad face* -joy




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