Chapter 20

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Chapter 20                                                                                                       5 mouths later

Third Person POV 

Jess has been pregnant for 5 mouths now the baby is very healthy Jess started to show her baby bump you cant really see it but if you look really close you might see it harry wont let her out of his sight. Jess dad come more often to visit Jess and helps as munch as he can. everyone has been helping getting ready for the baby and very excited for the baby. 

Jess POV 

"hey Jess do you what to go get something for lunch?" MollyKate asked me "yes" i said getting of the couch and went to harry and my room and got my jacket its starting to get a little more chili outside "where do you think you are going" harry asked me "um MollyKate and i are going-" i didn't get to finish what i was going to say before he started to talk "your not going" he said "please harry we are just going to get something to eat then come right back" i said giving him the best puppy dog eyes i could give him "fine" he said "thanks bye love you" i said giving him a kiss before i made it to the front where MollyKate was waiting "ready?" she asked "yup lets go" i said. 

"um do think mac&cheese with chicken should be good" i asked "yeah that should be good" MollyKate said looking around like she seeing if anyone is following us she has been acting wired sense we got here "MollyKate are you ok" i asked "yeah I'm fine I'm going to go get some more food" she said walking off. i started to get everything that we needed at the house. MollyKate came running to me "we need to leave right now" she said "what why?" i asked "no time to explain we need to go" she said garbing my arm and started to run out of the store when we got to her car when we where getting in someone garbed my arm and pushed me so my back was against the car and that person was like 6'5 tall and dressed in all black and had blonde hair "so your Jess" he said a other guy came up holding MollyKates arm "how do you know my name?" i asked trying not to show how screed I'm really am the guy turned to MollyKate "you didn't tell her?" he asked her "tell me what?" i asked "oh well your going to have to came with us" he said "I'm not going anywhere with you" i said "to bad" he said before i knew it i blacked out.


OMG what do you think that's going to happened to them?? i know its been like FOREVER sense i last updated but i have been really busy kinda i started high school this year and let me tell you i HATE it and this is only second week of school and my two of my sisters are in volleyball and one of them is the water girl for the football team so we have ALOT of games to go to. but how is your school going?

ok for the baby do you guys what it to be a boy or a girl? and i need some names for the baby to. and I'm going to start doing a 5sos fanfic soon.


please comment and vote if you like this chapter :) - joy  



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