Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Jess POV

i have been running for ten minutes now which it feels like forever and i hope the boys didn't find me or I'm dead. i fell and got stab by a stick in my stomach, making my stomach to start to bleeding i puled the stick out of my stomach which wasn't a good idea because that made it to bleed even more so i put my hand on the cut to add some perisher on the cut. i got up from the floor and started walking, ten minutes later i was starting to get weak from all of the blood that i was losing. i heard i stick snap i turned around only to be meet by bright red eyes that belong to harry.

"please just let me go i won't tell anyone" i said "i cant do that you belong to me and you will never go back" harry said my eye sight started to get blurry from my blood loss and before you know it i pass out.

Harry POV

i went to check on Jess to see if she was ok because she has been in the restroom for like ten minutes "Jess are you ok?" i said and there was no answer "Jess open up now" i said again no answer i back up a little and kicked the door down to see that nobody was in there i ran to the kitchen where the guys are at "GUYS SHES GONE!!!!!" i yelled with that we all ran outside and split up and started looking for Jess. i could smell her sent so i mind message the guys

guys i found Jess go back to the house.

i got ok's from the guys. when i made my way to Jess i could smell blood and i could feel my fangs coming out. Jess turned around so she is facing me

"please just let me go i won't tell anyone" Jess said "i cant do that you belong to me and you will never go back" i said after i said that she fell and passed out i ran to her and and bit my wrist and gave her some of my blood. then i picked her up and cared her bridal style and ran vampire speed to the house. when i walk in the guys saw Jess and there eyes went wide "harry what did you do!?!" liam said "i didn't do anything I'm just going to put her in my room" i said then left to put Jess in my room.


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