Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Jess's POV

Its been a hour and the boys are still looking for Harry right now the girls and I are watching some TV show that I never seen before. I wasn't really watching the TV show I was just lost in thought worrying if Harry was okay or if he was going to come back soon i guess that i was lost in thought, i guess i was lost in my own world because when i got out the TV show was over "what do you what to do now?" Perrie asked "i think i'm just going to lay down for a little" i said "okay Eleanor and i will go get some lunch and will be back soon" Perrie said i just nodded and made my way to Harry's and my room and just lying on the bed just thinking . I got out of thought by the most pain i have ever felt it felt like all of my bones where baking "AAAAHHHH" "oh my god Jess whats wrong?" Eleanor said running into my room with Perrie right behind her "PLEASE MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY" I screamed "oh no we can't do anything only Harry can its part of the mating" Eleanor said "Perrie call Zayn and tell them to hurry up and find Harry and get him back here" Eleanor said with that Perrie left the room to call Zayn while i kept screaming from the pain.

Zayn's POV

The boys and I found Harry in the next town walking around the town "what if she hates me now? I bet shes thinking that the mating is a mistake now" Harry said "Jess doesn't hate you Harry she loves you" i said my phone started ringing the caller ID said Perrie <3 I answered it and herded screaming on the other line

P-Perrie Z-Zayn

Z- Perrie is everything okay who's screaming?

P- have you guys found Harry yet?

Z- yes he's right here whats wrong?

P- it's Jess he needs to get back has fast as you can

Z- okay we're on are way

with that i hanged up and turned to the boys "guys we need to get back to the house fast" i said " whats wrong Zayn?" Harry asked "its Jess" was all i said and Harry was gone using his vampire speed the rest of the guys and I started using vampire speed making are way back to the house.

Harry's POV

"It's Jess" Zayn said with that I used my vampire speed going back to the house. What have I done.


hey so here Chapter 11 hope you like it :) so i might stop going to summer school YAY!! please tell me what you think about this chapter it will mean a lot if you tell me :) so we have two cats that are going to be having kittens soon!! message or comment if you what to be in my book. and i think that i will be starting some more books soon i'm thinking of starting a 5SOS, a werewolf, The Vamps,and a Walking Dead one so please comment which one you what me to start working one. i will try to update again this weekend :) -JoyMondragon <3



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