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The girl sat crisscrossed on the bed with her head against the wall, still in the haze of sleep when the door opened. She sat up brusquely, eyes staring alarmingly at the opening door at the end of the room. The loud noise of the hinges scraping the metal abruptly waking Winston and Frypan down the row she was in, Jack in the bed across from her still fast asleep.

She didn't know who else had been awake, apart from Newt's legs dangling past the edge of his top bunk and Thomas sitting in absolute silence whilst staring ahead of him in the bunk beside hers. She'd seen Billy waking but keeping the silence amongst the group for the rest had still slept, having exchanged a nod to those who had been awake. Whether Tim or Minho had been amongst the woken teens she didn't know, not a voice raised from anyone in the room to know, no legs dangling past the edges of the top bunks. Elizabeth wouldn't hold it against the Runner if he had slept in, after the many days spent waking before the sun had gotten the chance to rise above the horizon to make it to breakfast and be standing before the doors would open for three years, she would understand if he slept in. But chances were she, Newt and the boy were so used to waking up early it had been custom for their bodies to rise and shine long before anyone else could.

But here they were, all but two shaken from their sleep in an instant as two men came bringing in plates with food and glasses with water, placed on the empty table with too little chairs for them all to sit on before leaving and locking the door once again.

The dark haired girl scooted forward on the bed, feet falling to meet the floor and her hands dug into the sheets. They have dinner with everyone else but breakfast in a tightly locked room, what the hell? No one had moved an inch to approach the meal, as if those who had been awake had been too shocked at the brief presence of the guards and fresh food being placed right under their noses like it was no big deal. Not even the curious Thomas had made a move, yet he had so far been the only one to approach even the most dangerous in wonder but not this time.

The cold of the floor seeped through the thin fabric of her socks, feet guiding themselves towards the table and her sleeves pulled down to the tip of her fingers to preserve the heat in them. The room hadn't practically been warm at the time of day, if not colder than the ones she knew in the Glade.

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