i, zero

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There were faces, the faces of an middle aged man and woman, her brain had recalled them as Ava and Janson. They had been standing at the other side, at the other side of something she was trapped in and they stood in freedom. Though where the woman held a mourning expression, as if hoping none would fail. The male held a sneer of pure hatred on his face, as if hoping that whatever they'd plan would rid her from his existence.

She had screamed incomprehensible words at them, wanting to know the reason behind her delinquency of where she had thought have found herself. Locked up in a cage, like an animal, as a prisoner. Her hands had hit the glass opposite of her with a smacking sound, curling them into fists to try over and over, hoping it would shatter beneath her weakened force. Beneath her chemical azure coloured water began to pour into the tube and in seconds and within at least a full minute it had reached the bottom of her chin. Therefore it wasn't long until she was choking on the substance, draining her whole being and soaking her inside out.

Her cries and screams were silenced by the liquid fluid, her fists no longer smacking into the glass, but instead reaching around for anything in hopes for an escape as she longed for oxygen. It weren't that within several more helpless drowning cries filled her body with the substance that she had lost consciousness. And with the last memories being swipe from her mind, she lastly memorised the call of someone screaming her name as that vanished into the abyss of oblivion too.

With a sharp intake of oxygen and the retreating send of water wanting to escape her lungs, she had woken in the scorching sun and in the middle of a fresh green field of grass. She herself squinted her eyes, covering them with her left hand as her chocolate brown eyes tried to adjust to the bright scorching light.

The bronze skinned woman let out a small whimper; she tried so hard to get her brains to work. Though she seemed to figure that the light above her was the sun, herself was a woman; female, the green hay blades beneath her was grass and that all surrounded her were trees and concrete walls. Yet she couldn't wrap her finger around her name, who she was or where she had come from. Most of all she wondered where she was and who had put her here. The young woman didn't seem to understand how she functioned so flawlessly, able to calculate her surroundings and predicament, especially when she couldn't memorise anything from her past life.

She had searched her mind for facts, images and memories bout the details of the world and herself. She indeed could visualise water that came crashing down the lengthy fall before it reconnected with the water down below, the snow glistering in the winter sun, the coloured leafs that came crashing down from the trees during autumn, the fresh blooming fauna in spring and the blistering sun upon her skin during summer. She had remembered how the world had worked beyond her ability of own experience and recognition. Yet she continued to fail and memorise her parents, possible siblings, friendships once created, who had brought her in that place. Zero recognition of held conversations or whom she'd held it with. Not once she memorised it.

A sharp pain shuddered through her body, worry and fear combining within her system and flowing through her veins, to fit every inch of it throughout her entire being. She called out, throat raw with each word as she screamed for the existence of someone nearby. Overwhelmed by emotions, she sat on the greens below her, hopeless, lost and terrified. Her gut had turned, twisted even as she wanted to cry, possibly scream before throwing up whatever substance had maintained to stay in her body.

Pushing herself onto her feet, emotions had battled for dominance. The fear, confusion and panic had laced itself with the loneliness and hopelessness that had already rooted itself within her. She felt like the lone survivor, one that had lived to tell the tale about how the world had come to an end. The tale of a story with memories that had been erased from her existence.

Looking at her clothes she had noticed she was wearing rather normal clothes, a simple long sleeved dark crimson shirt, matching trousers beneath them and black thin layered sneakers. It weren't until then she noticed three simple blank wooden boxes had stood nearby her. Boxes with each the letters; wckd and smaller engraved words before it.




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