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The glass in the boy's hand that sat beside her had made her cringe. With every month that had passed, meant another bonfire since Gally had come up and introduced his absolute secret recipe, a glass jar filled with a forsythia coloured drink had found its way into the traditional bonfire night. Henry had slipped a bit out of the jar, side eyeing the girl beside him as she had been observing him and the drink. With a thick swallow to get the substance down his throat, the male had stared straight at the fire as he had spoken, "What are you goggling at?"

The dark haired teen had shot out of her hypnotized like gaze, raising her eyebrows slightly while she did. Within her stomach she could feel the unease built at being caught for staring, unsure why she was ashamed for her action, after all it wasn't directed at the boy himself. "I can't seem to understand how you all can drink it. Do you even know what its ingredients are?"

"Honestly, I don't think I want to know." Henry had taken a short glance at the substance before looking over at the young woman, placing the jar on the trampled ground beneath them. "Have you ever even tried it?"

Shaking her head as she snorted, the seventeen year old had mumbled how she had known exactly what went into it and that resulted into her decision to never drink it. Now she knew most boys would simply drink it because they could and it was only once in a month, though others did it for sport and each knew the next day would give them quite the backlash.

A hand had shortly lain on the girl's shoulders, a shriek escaping her mouth as it had taken her by surprise. Above her stood Ben, moving past them with a plate of food in his hands as if nothing had happened. Elizabeth was sure it was meant as a kind-hearted gesture in replacement to hello, noting how the Runners had begun to arrive at the site in a fresh set of clothes and dampened hair. Her eyes adverted beyond the flickering orange coloured flames, looking over to the small group of wrestling teens. Somehow it had become a tradition to wrestle and challenge one another, whether it was for fun or to prove one's strength: she wasn't sure.

Elizabeth had turned head to her right as she heard the call of her name. A figure had plopped down on the log beside her as the other had been occupied with Henry. The skin of the boy beside her had gotten a ruby red glow like her own, all due to the growing fire that stood in the midst of the inner circle of logs they had found themselves seated on. Eyes taking a short glance at the plate of food in his hands, knowing he must have been starving after a whole day tracking and memorizing the Maze. Folding her hands in her lap as she let her eyes advert back to the flames, "Did you find anything out there?"

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