i, thirteen

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Elizabeth had not followed the others, instead of running to the unclosing doors she had rushed back into the shack, leaving the burning torches that floated amongst the dusky shadows in fear far behind her. And she grabbed one of the candle jars off the wooden pillar it had hung on, "Alby, I know it's hard but we need to go."

The boy turned to her voice cheeks glossy with tears, the heartbreak at the sight of her friend, the fear that laced with the words and the expression on her face nothing but absolute panic. Whatever it had been that was happening outside, and if the doors truly had not been closing despite the sun having set, it was a matter of time before Grievers would swarm the place as the doors had been the only thing keeping them separated.

She ducked at the booming sound, feet halting to look at the door of the shack in fright as the mechanical click sounded through the Glade's skies, the sound of Doors reopening like they had each morning. In fact she could barely take two steps before repeating her actions and the remaining two doors followed suit and for horrors to escape the Maze.

The girl crashed into the bed with her knee, the pain shooting through her core but fading as fast as it had come with the adrenaline vibrating through her body. Her hands rushed to pull the fabric of the shirt over her friend's shoulder as his arms ached trying, the cure still fighting the poison rushing through the wound.

Screeching echoed through the Glade, the familiar growling they could hear at night. And the two had stood frozen at the sound, the screams of the boys in the darkening Glade, hearing Alby ask what was going on but she could not say the words. How would she explain to him all that happened the past days may have resulted into this being triggered and set off, to explain that Grievers were breathing down their necks.

"Alright, let's get you up." She pulled his arm around her neck before heaving the weight of them both onto her feet, hand digging in the skin of her collar to keep himself on his feet. But with every step they had taken they were slow, boy still trying to seek his way on his feet after the days he had been out cold.

LUDUM DE SALVOS | THE MAZE RUNNERWhere stories live. Discover now