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Her fist slammed against the stone quite a few times out of frustration and heartache, as the thunder of the doors having sealed shut echoed through the air, watery substance shimmering on the eyes of her eyelids, a sob escaping her lips. And everyone watched as she fell apart, the feeling she had walked around all day and had voiced had come true and she hated herself that she had not gone herself, that she had not kept them from going.

Elizabeth had known them for as long as she could remember, since the early months of her blank paged memory, one of which Thomas too had gotten a part in for a brief two days and just like that they were left to run for their lives and end it with death by the Griever's wrath no matter which turn they would make.

The seventeen year old hadn't noticed how gravity had pulled her down to the ground beneath her, not until she had felt someone steady her, preventing her body from colliding with the harsh dirt. And she turned into the fabric of the shirt she met, arms falling helplessly against it, tears slipping down her cheekbones as the arms wrapped around her. It was as if someone stepped on her chest, preventing her from inhaling air and her heart from beating, like someone had ripped it out.

She heard the Gladers staring at the walls muttered things like, they're gone, how are we going to survive now and the Greenie just killed himself, between her cries. Voices of disbelieve, hopelessness and grief, some falling blank or filled with anger. But a silence had grown after that, apart from some Gladers that had watched her when shuffling away, some boys had gathered to eat dinner or had headed for their beds, but knowing many wouldn't be able to swallow even the slightest food after what happened, most had chose the latter. Only other noise the cries of the girl and a choking sniffle coming from Newt.

The walls that had once protected them from the dangers in the Maze had come collapsing down on her, instead of it protecting those she cared about. Perhaps she was more furious at the creators that had put her there for years, them here, but her grief stunned the fury by large.

LUDUM DE SALVOS | THE MAZE RUNNERWhere stories live. Discover now