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"okay," my dad smiled, pulling one of my suitecases into the house as i followed behind with the other one.

"how did you get this house?" i asked. "it's beautiful."

"it costs the same as the house in cali did."

"the cali house is two bedroom."

"and this is four," he smiled, pushing the door shut behind me. "north carolina is far cheaper than california."

i walked further in, looking around the large living area, the tall ceiling with an amazing chandelier hanging. the grand stair case, pictures of me hanging all the way up. the backyard, which was right on the water, a dock at the bottom.

"is that your boat?" i asked.

"yeah," he smiled. "you want to take it for a spin?"


"you still have your boating license, right?"

"well, yeah, but you never let me drive the boat in cali."

"your mom never let you drive the boat. i know you're responsible enough to do what you'd like."

i smiled at him as he pulled the backpack off my shoulders.

"you want to take a look around or you want to see your room?"

"my room," i replied and he threw the bag over his shoulder. he grabbed both my suitcases and motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. i hurried after him and down the hall. i saw a glass door at the end, leading out to a balcony.

"right in here," my dad said as i looked over, following him into a room. it was almost three times the size of mine at home.

"oh my god," i gasped, looking around. there was a king bed, perfectly made. a dresser with one of my old stuff animals sat on top. there was a desk in the corner, a pretty lamp on top. the closet doors were open, revealing the empty bunches of hangers. i walked over to the door that led to the bathroom. i saw a large jacuzzi tub, a shower with an overhead rain showerhead. the sink area was large, with a vanity area, a chair tucked under it.

"pretty cool, huh?"

"this is awesome." i laughed, turning to look at him. "why such a luxurious house for just you?"

he shrugged, "i hoped it would give you an excuse to visit more."

"oh hell yeah," i nodded and hugged him.

"i missed you, honey." he kissed my head. "i know it's only been a couple months."

"i missed you too dad," i smiled as we pulled back.

"i'll let you get settled, then maybe we can go get dinner before i have to go to work at the hospital." he said.


"and you're driving." he told me, walking out of the room."

i laid my suitecases down, empty them out into the closet and dresser. i placed my backpack on the desk, pulling out my laptop. i set it up, plugging it in before pushed all my bags in the bottom of my closet. i hurried down the stairs as i looked at my phone, sending my mom a text, letting her know i was okay. i opened the messages to louis, my boyfriend back home, and sent him a text, telling him i'd call him later.

"you ready?" my dad asked, pushing his scrubs into his work bag.

"yeah," i nodded as he tossed the boat keys to me. "i don't know the area."

"i'll direct you," he shrugged. "you have to get to know the place if you want to be here all summer."

i smiled and shook my head. we walked through the amazing backyard, down to the dock. we got on the boat and i started it up as he untied it.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now