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"cami," someone whispered as they shook my body. i groaned, opening my eyes and seeing rafe standing over me.

"what?" i asked as he moved and i sat up, looking around and realizing i was laying in topper's bed. i buldged my eyes as i looked to him. "why am i in topper's bed?"

he laughed, "you came up to pee and when i came up to find you, you were asleep. i slept downstairs with topper. your dad just stopped by."

"shit," i rubbed my eyes. "what did he want?"

"just wanted to make sure you're okay. he went home to sleep but i need to run to town and get breakfast for everyone, wanna come?"

"you woke me up to go with you and get food?"

he smiled, "there's fruit."

i looked over at the clock on his wall, seeing it was ten am.

"oh fuck!" i said and grabbed my phone from the nightstand, seeing tons of missed calls from my mom.

"what?" he asked.

"my mom," i said and called her back, placing the phone to my ear.

"i've called you twenty times," she said as she answered. "why was i being ignored."

"i'm sorry," i said. "my phone was on silent."

"did you run today?"

"no," i said. "i just woke up."

"excuse me?" she asked and i could hear the anger dripping in her voice.

"mom, it's one morning, it's fine."

"you say that now, but by the time you get home, you'll be fat." she said. "and why is your boyfriend blowing up my phone and coming to my house? he says you blocked him or something."

"i didn't, dad must've yesterday." i shook my head. "it's fine, i'll fix it."

"i knew this was a mistake, sending you over there." she said as i glanced over to rafe. "you'll come back fat, with tattoos, a new trashed out boyfriend and an addiction to heroine."

"okay," i said. "i'm sorry. i told you i'd fix it."

"get it together alexis, you are leaving for college next summer."

"yeah," i said softly. she'd called me my first name, which she knew i just despised. "i'll talk to you later."

she hung up as rafe watched me.

"talk about mommy issues," he said which made me laugh softly.

"sorry," i said. "she's just..."

"controlling." he said. "you're not fat, you'll never be fat. "fat" is a term made up idiots."

"i should really just go home, and go for a run." i told him.

"no," he shook his head. "you're coming with me to the figure eight to pick up food."

"you heard my mom, i said i'd fix it."

"you're not fixing jack shit except my hunger." he said and grabbed my hands, pulling me up as i laughed.

"rafe," i whined. "she's going to be so pissed if i don't send her my steps from my run."

"i really don't care." he looked down at me, crossing our fingers between our chests. "and maybe, we'll get you that tattoo."

i smiled, watching him as he looked down at me. i felt my chest warm, knowing that he was really trying to make me feel better. it was nice, i mean, louis just always agreed with my mom. he'd make comments about how my run wasn't long enough or about what i was eating. he'd say i was slacking if i slept in five minutes past six. but rafe, he didn't care about any of that.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now