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the next morning, i woke up to a quiet room and an empty bed next to me. i moved from laying on my side to my back. i yawned, rubbing my eyes before pushing myself to my feet. i walked out of the room, hearing laughing downstairs. i let my feet touch the cold wood floors as i moved down the stairs and seeing them all in the living room.

"hey, there she is." my grandad smiled.

"hey," i smiled. "what time is it?"

"ten am, i don't know how you slept so long." rafe replied.

"i don't know," i rubbed my eyes, walking over. he pulled me down between him and my grandma.

"how'd you sleep, sweetheart?" my grandma as, rubbing my arm.

"like a baby." i smiled at her. "i missed that bed."

"did you see the stars?"

"yeah, i can't believe they're still there." i laughed.

"you hungry?" my dad asked, moving a bowl of grapes over to me.

"grapes," i smiled and grabbed them. i pulled one off, placing it in my mouth, chewing as rafe leaned his head on my shoulder, hugging my arm.

"so what are your plans for the day?" my grandma asked.

i looked down to rafe who looked over at my dad.

"well the kids are going out to lunch," my dad explained.

"phooey, i wanted to bake a cake." my grandma said.

"i'll bake one with you after, i promise," i squeezed her hand.

"and logan, the grass in the far back needs to be mowed." my grandpa said. "your sisters kid was supposed to come do it, but hasn't showed up."

"i'll do it," rafe said as we all looked at him. "i'll do it this evening when it cools down. i don't mind."

i felt myself smile as i watched him.

"that's a good kid," my grandpa nodded and stood, my dad following him. rafe looked up at me, kissing my cheek as i giggled.

"stop," i smiled. "let me eat my grapes."

"i'm going to sit outside and read," my grandma told me.

i nodded as she got up, moving outside as i looked over to rafe.

"you excited?" i asked.

"yeah," he nodded. "i'm really excited."



i grabbed his face, kissing his cheek.

"you're going to be fine, it'll be great."

"i know," he kissed my lips. "i'm going to get changed."

i nodded, letting him pull away and jog up the stairs. i grabbed some more grapes, placing them in my hand before i got up, placing the bowl in the fridge. i hurried up the stairs shoving them in my mouth and chewing. i knocked on the door before stepping in and watching rafe pull on a pair of shorts as he turned.

"hey," he smiled.

"hey, sorry," i said. "i just wanted to shower and get changed."

"it's fine," he nodded as i pushed the door shut, becoming aware he didn't have shirt on and his shorts were unbottoned, revealing his boxers. i let my eyes glide his body before i let them land in his eyes. "you good?" he smiled.

"yeah," i felt my face get hot. "i'm great."

he laughed and moved over, pulling my face towards him and into a kiss. i let my hand rest on his chest, letting them trail down to his stomach. we pulled back as he looked down at me.

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now