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after the short ride home on the boat, topper and i said our goodbyes and parted ways. i went back into the house, dropping my jacket and the keys on the counter. i looked at the time, only ten p.m. i went up to my room, showered and changed, before going back downstairs. i turned off the lights before climbing on the couch with a blanket. i turned on the tv and chose a random show.

i hadn't realized i fell asleep until i heard the front door slam shut early the next morning. i jumped, turning fast to see my dad walk into the room.

"dad?" i asked sleepily as i rubbed my eyes.

"cami, what are you doing?"

"i must've fallen asleep." i groaned and dropped my hand to my lap. "what time is it?"

"seven," he said. "i got off a little late."

i nodded, "how was work?"

"it was fine," he dropped his bag and came over. "why don't you go upstairs and sleep in the bed i bought you?"

i smiled, "what's the fun in that?"

he smiled and kissed my head.

"since you're up, you want something to eat?" he asked. "i can make some pancakes."

"no, i'm okay, i think i'm going to go for a run." i stood up.

"you're still doing those?" he looked over his shoulder at me as he walked into the kitchen.

"yeah, every day." i replied and folded the blanket. "mom stopped going with me, but she wakes me up every morning."

"you know, you don't have to run every morning?" he asked.

"it's a nice escape." i shrugged.

"is it or did your mom just make you think that?"

i opened my mouth to respond but then my phone started ringing. i grabbed it off the coffee table, seeing my mom's contact.

"hello?" i answered.

"i've called you twice." she said. "i was trying to make sure you were up for your run."

"yeah, i'm up, dad just got home."

"what do you mean just got home? where was he all night?"

"at work," i said. "he works nights at the hospital- mom, he told you this."

"drop the attitude." she said. "send me your steps after your run."

"yeah, i will." i rolled my eyes.

"bye," she hung up.

"what was that?" he asked.

"just reminding me to run, enjoy your pancakes." i told him, hurrying up the stairs. i changed into leggings and a random shirt, sliding on my running sneakers. i grabbed my ear buds, and connected them to my phone before going down the stairs. my dad was gone now, probably in his own room. i shuffled my music, sliding my phone in the pocket on my leggings before i took off at a soft pace down the driveway. i turned, going do the road, passing topper's house.

i wasn't sure how long i'd run, but after two miles, i turned around and headed back towards the house. i reached topper's driveway before i saw his car pulling out. i stopped as he slammed on his breaks.

"sorry!" i said and pulled my right earbud out.

"i almost ran you over!" he said.

"sorry," i forced a smile.

"why are you out so early?" he asked as i moved and he pulled his jeep forward.

"went for a run, why are you?"

summer of love • rafe cameron 2Where stories live. Discover now